
mourner n.1.悲傷的人,哀傷的人,哀悼的人;守喪的人,送喪的人...


Mourners gather every august 6 in remembrance of those who died in the bombing of hiroshima at the end of world war ii 每年的8月6日,哀悼的人群集聚在此追思在二戰結束前夕廣島遭原子彈轟炸時喪生的人們。

I chose the way for them and sat as their chief ; i dwelt as a king among his troops ; i was like one who comforts mourners 25我為他們選擇道路、又坐首位我如君王在軍隊中居住又如吊喪的安慰傷心的人。

“ i chose a way for them and sat as chief , and dwelt as a king among the troops , as one who comforted the mourners 伯29 : 25我為他們選擇道路、又坐首位我如君王在軍隊中居住又如吊喪的安慰傷心的人。

[ niv ] and you will do as i have done . you will not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners 22 [和合]那時,你們必行我仆人所行的,不蒙著嘴21唇,也不吃吊喪的食物。

Mourners came out through the gates : woman and a girl . leanjawed harpy , hard woman at a bargain , her bonnet awry 婦女的相貌刁悍,尖下巴頦兒,看上去是個胡亂討價還價的那號人,歪戴著一頂軟帽。

I have seen his ways , and will heal him : i will lead him also , and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners 18我看見他所行的道,也要醫治他。又要引導他,使他和那一同傷心的人,再得安慰。

Corny kelleher stepped aside from his rank and allowed the mourners to plod by . - sad occasions , mr kernan began politely 科尼凱萊赫從行列里跨到路邊,讓送葬者抱著沉重的腳步從他身旁踱過去。

Mourners are remembering lady bird johnson , the widow of former president lyndon baines johnson will lie in repose until saturday 吊唁者們正在向前總統林頓?百因斯的遺孀百德?約翰夫人默哀。

And you will do as i have done . you will not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners 22 [和合]那時,你們必行我仆人所行的,不蒙著嘴21唇,也不吃吊喪的食物。

I chose out their way , and sat chief , and dwelt as a king in the army , as one that comforteth the mourners 25我為他們選擇道路,又坐首位。我如君王在軍隊中居住,又如吊喪的安慰傷心的人。

And you will do as i have done . you will not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners 22那時,你們必行我仆人所行的,不蒙著嘴唇,也不吃吊喪的食物。

Mourners remembered falwell ' s strong personality and controversial stands on issues like abortion 悼念者追憶起他堅毅的性格,以及他在類似墮胎一類有爭議的話題上的堅持己見。

The mourners moved away slowly , without aim , by devious paths , staying awhile to read a name on a tomb 送葬者們沿了彎彎曲曲的小徑徐徐地走著,不時地停下來念念墓上的名字。

Mourners have been steadily streaming by the flag draped casket of former president gerald ford 前總統杰拉德福特躺在蓋著國旗的棺材里,來哀悼的人幾天來一直絡繹不絕。

All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the hiroshima bombing 在當年廣島遭原子彈轟炸的同一時刻,所有的悼念者都低頭默哀片刻。

Mourners have been steadily streaming by the flag draped casket of former president gerald ford 哀悼者緩慢而有序地經過前總統吉拉德.福特安息的蓋上了國旗的靈柩旁。

Mourners have been steadily streaming by the flag draped casket of former president gerald ford 哀悼者們井然有序的走過覆蓋美國星條旗的前總統杰拉爾德?福特的靈柩。

All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the hiroshima bombing 在當時廣島原子彈爆炸的確切時刻,悼念者低下了頭,進行默哀。

All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the hiroshima bombing 所有的悼念者在當年廣島炸彈爆炸的同一刻低下頭默哀一分鐘。