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mountain range 山脈。

mountain rice

Engineers think they can also use the steady winds in africa ' s mountain ranges for power production 工程師們認為,他們同樣能夠利用非洲高山地帶的經久不變的強風來制造能量。

The name lung yeuk tau was derived from the mountain range nearby called lung yeuk ling mountain of the leaping dragon 該處有山名躍嶺,自古相傳,有跳躍其間,因而得名。

Mountain ranges as high as the alps are submerged beneath it , only their summits project through it 跟阿爾卑斯山一樣高的山脈被掩埋其下,只有山峰能夠穿透出來。

The snow leopard ( 雪豹 ) is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of central and southern asia 雪豹是一種大型貓科動物,它們棲居在亞洲中部及南部山地區域。

These islands are actually the peaks of an ancient volcanic mountain range submerged by the sea 馬爾代夫群島實際上是被大海淹沒的一個古老火山山脈的山峰群。

Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central china , in sichuan , shaanxi , and gansu provinces 大熊貓生活在中部地區四川、陜西和甘肅省一些山脈中。

The chapel is positioned on a small hill in front of the mighty face of the dead mountain range 教堂的位置在一座小山上,面對著一大片的死山山脈面前。

The highway snake s through three mountain ranges : the himalayas , karakoram and pamir 公路蜿蜒經過三條山脈:喜馬拉雅山、喀喇昆侖山與帕米爾高原。

The andes mountains are the longest and one of the highest mountain ranges in the world 安地斯山是世界上最長的山脈,還是世界上最高的山脈之一。

Bethune almost immediately set out for the hazardous surroundings of the mountain ranges of yen an 白求恩立即投身到延安山區復雜危險的環境中。

Thirdly , the mountain ranges give hong kong a number of distinct viewsheds 再者,在這些山脈的烘托下,形成了數個別具特色的景色帶。

The antarctic continent has mountain ranges similar in size to the european alps 南極大陸的山脈覆蓋的面積與歐洲的阿爾卑斯山差不多。

Though the mountains divide = though different mountain ranges separate countries from each other 盡管不同的山脈把各個國家分開。

Aerjin mountain is a famous mountain range of the southeast reason in tarim basin 阿爾金山是塔里木盆地東南緣的一座有名的山脈。

The mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons . the scenery is very beautiful 這條山脈有很多高峰和深谷,風光美極了。

The study of the physical geography of mountains and mountain ranges 山志學,山岳形態學一門研究山脈及山山脈地區的自然地理學

Big mountain range hotel 洪嶺大酒店

The azores are the tops of peaks in the mid - atlantic mountain range 亞速爾群島就是中部大西洋山脈的幾座山峰的尖端。

Several large valley glaciers join at the foot of a mountain range in alaska 在阿拉斯加的山脈里匯集著幾座大冰川。