
moult vi.(羽毛等)脫換,脫落。vt.使脫換(羽毛等)。n....


Adult winter heuglin ' s gull : the primary moult begins much later than in other big gulls and progresses slowly through the winter , and moult limits can usually be seen into january - february of the following year ( p9 - 10 ) 灰林銀鷗成鳥冬羽:初級飛羽換羽時間較其他種為遲而且整個冬季都在緩慢換羽,所以第二年一二月一般都還可以看到換羽的界限( p9 - 10 ) 。

It is a very big generalization , and some species are exceptions , but generally first summer individuals can only be separated by retained juvenile remiges and rectrices or by moult limits in the greater coverts 這是一個很概括的看法,且某些鳥種是例外,但一般而言一齡夏羽個體只能以還留著的幼鳥飛羽和尾羽,或大覆羽的換羽界限來區分

In the late autumn period , it may be more difficult to rule out late - moulting vega gulls if we are to use “ white heads ” as our main method of separating the two 在秋季后期,我們如果主要是利用頭部全白與否來分辨這兩種,那就很難排除那些換羽較遲的織女銀鷗個體。

Adult winter mongolian gull : this bird has new primaries with white tips ( mongolian is the first of the three species to complete its primary moult ) 蒙古銀鷗成鳥冬羽:這只已有完整的初級飛羽白色羽尖新羽(蒙古銀鷗是三種中最早完成換羽的) 。

Like spiders , adult mites have eight legs , but their freshly hatched “ larvae ” have only six ? they acquire an extra pair of legs after moulting 和蜘蛛一樣,成年螨蟲有八條腿,但新孵化出的“幼蟲”只有六條腿? ?它們蛻皮后會長出另外一雙腿。

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components . basic test and measurement procedures . part 2 - 16 : tests . moult growth 光纖互連裝置和無源元件.基本試驗和測量程序.第2 - 16部分:試驗.脫皮增大

Here you can see a falconry hawk , fat in the moult , still eager to be flying and working 在這里你可以看到一個馴鷹,鷹,脂肪在換羽,仍然急切地要飛行和工作方式。

Moulting hormone antagonist 抗蛻皮激素

Moulting process effects induced by rh - 5992 on helicoverpa armigera 5992對其蛻皮的影響

The feasibility of hailan white layers ' twice moulting 36蛋雞兩次換羽的可行性

A conceited crow decked herself with the moulted feathers of the handsome peacock . 自負的烏鴉用美麗的孔雀脫換下來的羽毛來裝扮自己。

A cat moults and loses hair in hot weather . 貓在熱天換毛和蛻皮。