
mouldy adj.(mouldier;-iest) 發了霉的;霉爛...


Used in the instrument extensively , appearance , equipment apparatus , leather , case and bag , shoes , fabrics , food , medicines , etc . store and the relative humidity controlling the environment in transportation , prevent articles from being made moist , going mouldy and corrosion 因而廣泛用于儀器、儀表、設備器械、皮革、箱包、鞋類、紡織品、食品、藥品等的貯存和運輸中控制環境的相對濕度,防止物品受潮,霉變和銹蝕。

I had ne er a cave now to hide my money in , or a place where it might lye without lock or key , till it grew mouldy and tarnish d before any body would meddle with it : on the contrary , i knew not where to put it , or who to trust with it 我不再有什么洞穴可以保藏我的錢幣,也沒有什么地方放錢可以不加鎖在島上時,你盡可以放在那里,直到錢幣生銹發霉也不會有人去動一動。而現在,我卻不知道把錢放在哪里,也不知道托誰保管好。

While the owner was adamant the cat had not been exposed to toxic plants , mouldy foods or drugs , when contacted by telephone the owner ' s wife admitted the cat could have licked “ plates of cocaine “ which had been served at a dinner party two days earlier 雖然貓主人堅稱貓兒沒有接觸過毒性植物、發霉的食物和毒品,可在打電話聯系到貓主人妻子的時候,她承認這只貓可能是舔了兩天前一次晚宴上使用過的“可卡因盤子” 。

Used in the instrument extensively , appearance , equipment apparatus , leather , case and bag , shoes , fabrics , food , medicines , etc . store and the relative humidity controlling the environment in transportation , prevent articles from being made moist , going mouldy and corrosion 因而廣泛用于儀器儀表設備器械皮革箱包鞋類紡織品食品藥品等的貯存和運輸中控制環境的相對濕度,防止物品受潮,霉變和銹蝕。

Hunger made viands once repugnant , now acceptable ; he held the plate in his hand for an hour at a time , and gazed thoughtfully at the morsel of bad meat , of tainted fish , of black and mouldy bread 過去,人一看到這此食物就惡心,現在由于饑餓難忍,看到這些食物覺得非常可口的,有幾次,他整小時的把盤子端在手里,凝視著那不滿一口的腐肉,臭魚和發霉的黑面包。

The absoluteness of possession pleased them , and they realized it as the first moment of their experience under their own exclusive roof - tree . but he found that the mouldy old habitation somewhat depressed his bride 雖然他們只租了兩個房間,但是他們卻可以完全占用整個屋子,意識到這是他們兩個人第一次領略獨處一室的經驗這使他們大為高興。

The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair 樹獺即不講究衛生,以至于它粗糙的毛發上生出綠苔,成群的寄生蛾生長在它的皮毛深處,變成毛毛蟲,并以它的臟毛為食。

In another case , the inspectors discovered dirt - encrusted2 containers for cooked foods and salads with rat droppings3 next to boxes of vegetables , some of which were mouldy 另一個案例,檢查人員發現貯存熟食及沙律的容器上,布滿灰塵及老鼠的排泄物,旁邊還有一盒盒的蔬菜,當中亦有些已發霉。

A west - facing apartment is therefore preferred if you do not like mouldy walls and clothes , which occur especially during springtime . question for the reader 如果你不喜歡發霉的墻和衣服尤其是春天,那向西樓就較為可取了。

When peace came , however , the soldier changed . he put the horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat 戰爭結束了,士兵卻變了。他把馬拉到長滿薊的野地里,只給它一點兒發霉的干草吃。

We examined the merchandise and were astonished to find that a quarter of them went mouldy and there was humidity in the box 我們檢查了這次的貨物,讓我們很吃驚的是有1 / 4的貨物竟然發霉了,而且箱內有潮氣。

And old shoes and clouted upon their feet , and old garments upon them ; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy 5將補過的舊鞋穿在腳上,把舊衣服穿在身上。他們所帶的餅都是乾的,長了霉了。

No spinning value cotton : mouldy cotton , water damaged cotton , oil stained cotton , burned cotton , cotton waste and linters , etc 無紡用價值棉花:霉變棉、水漬棉、油污棉、火燒棉、棉花廢料、棉短絨等。

I was blue mouldy for the want of that pint . declare to god i could hear it hit the pit of my stomach with a click 我就想著喝上一品脫,想得發了霉,我敢對上主發誓,我能聽見酒在我的胃囊上嘀嗒。

Diane duyser , from florida , says the sandwich has never gone mouldy since she made it 10 years ago 來自佛羅里達的黛安?德伊瑟說,這塊三明治是她10年前做的, 10年來它從未發霉變質。

Decisive factor that the goods do not go mouldy in the course of storing and transport is relative humidity rh 貨物在貯存和運輸過程中不發生霉變的決定因素是相對濕度rh

Mouldy taste , musty taste . flavour imparted to a wine by mouldy grapes or storage in mouldy casks 霉味:由于葡萄發霉或貯存在發霉的酒桶中而使葡萄酒帶上的不良風味。

We are really at a loss to understand why over half of the latest lot be find mouldy or even worm - ate 我們真的難以理解最近這一批貨一多半發現變霉或者被蟲蛀。

Last week , the italians gave the coffee market something more ? tonnes of mouldy coffee stocks 上周,意大利人還為咖啡市場帶來更多東西? ? 2萬多噸霉變的咖啡庫存。