motorman 〔美、加拿大〕(電車、電氣機車的)司機;電機操作者。
〔美、加拿大〕(電車、電氣機車的)司機;電機操作者。 “motormen motorman“ 中文翻譯: 的復數“motor man=motorman“ 中文翻譯: 機工“motormaster“ 中文翻譯: 汽車大師“motormaker“ 中文翻譯: 電機廠“motormax“ 中文翻譯: 紅河“motorltemperatur motor oil temperature“ 中文翻譯: 發動機潤滑油油溫“motorloy“ 中文翻譯: 摩托樂意“motormeter“ 中文翻譯: 電動機電度計; 電動機式積算器; 運動力計 運動能力計 汽車儀表; 轉數表電動機型儀表; 轉速表“motorlorry“ 中文翻譯: 運貨汽車; 載重汽車“motorneuron“ 中文翻譯: 運動神經元“motorless“ 中文翻譯: 無動力的無發動
motorship |
The staid and sober oakland folk who sat upon the car scarcely noted the young fellow and the girl who ran for it and found a seat in front on the outside . they did not connect the couple with jimmy , who sprang on the steps , crying to the motorman : - 坐在車上的清醒平靜的奧克蘭乘客并沒有注意到有那么個小伙子和一個姑娘跑來趕車,而且在靠外的一面找到了座位也沒有把他們跟吉米聯系起來,吉米已跳上踏板,向駕駛員叫著: |
In view of the concern expressed about the possible inconvenience in boarding for the mobility handicapped and pregnant women caused by the turnstiles on trams , transport department will request the company to remind motormen of the importance of providing assistance to such passengers 鑒于有市民表示電車旋轉柵門對行動不便人士及孕婦在上車時造成不便,運輸署會要求該公司提醒車長要留意協助這些乘客。 |
Motormen may consult the medical doctors stationed at hkt s office for medical services at specified hours if they do not feel well while on duty . hkt has also provided medical insurance coverage to motormen who need to be hospitalized 車長如在當值時感到不適,可在指定時間內向駐電車公司辦事處的醫生求診,而電車公司亦為需要住院的車長提供醫療保險。 |
In both incidents , hkt immediately sent a replacement motorman to continue the journey and tram service resumed within about 15 minutes . the motormen concerned were delivered to hospital immediately for treatment 在這兩宗事件中,電車公司都立即派人到場接替有關車長繼續駕駛,電車服務在大約15分鐘內恢復正常,而有關車長亦即時送往醫院診治。 |
Hkt has confirmed with transport department ( td ) that it has not introduced any recent change that would increase the working hours for motormen or shorten the 30 - minute rest time for meal break for each shift 電車公司已向運輸署證實,該公司最近并無實施任何改變而增加車長工作時間或縮短每更的三十分鐘用膳休息時間。 |
Hkt will also strengthen the deployment of inspectors to monitor the health condition of motormen when they are on duty and to provide assistance to the motormen in case of emergency 電車公司亦會加派稽查人員留意駕駛電車之車長的健康狀況,并在緊急情況下向車長提供協助。 |
Td has reminded hkt to advise motormen to report any illness that may affect their work to the company management and seek medical consultation accordingly 運輸署已提醒電車公司應囑咐各車長,若他們身體不適以致其工作可能受影響時,應向公司管理人員報告及就診。 |
Duster started out as a journalist but quit in moral indignation when chided for failing to interview a trapped subway motorman waiting for a leg amputation 達拉斯原是個記者,因為無法采訪到一位受困、等待截肢的地鐵司機而遭到責罵,基于道德義憤便辭了職。 |
The motorman fainted while the tram was stationed at the westbound tram platform near health street west during the journey from shau kei wan to western market 當時車長駕駛電車由筲箕灣開往上環街市,在健康西街附近的西行線電車月臺停站時暈倒。 |
With this system , a tram will move only if a special button is pressed by the motorman . if the button is released , the tram will halt automatically 裝設了該系統后,電車只可在車長按住特別按鈕后才能開動,如把按鈕放松,電車便會自動停止運作。 |
All motormen of the company have received instruction and training to assist the elderly , disabled and other needy passengers to board the trams 該公司的車長已接受指示及訓練,協助長者、傷殘人士以及其他有需要的乘客在前門登車。 |
The motorman fainted when the tram arrived at the westbound tram platform near kornhill during the journey from shau kei wan to happy valley 當時車長駕駛電車由筲箕灣開往跑馬地,在駛至康山花園附近的西行線電車月臺時暈倒。 |
If you were a regular motorman , and had been treated as we ve been , you wouldn t want any one to come in and take your place , would you 倘若你是個正式的司機,受到了我們所受的待遇,你不會愿意有人插進來搶你的飯碗的,是吧? |
As for item ( d ) above , refresher courses for motormen are organized annually by the company as a continuous enhancement initiative 而就上文(丁)項,電車公司每年都會為車長舉辦復修課程,作為一項持續的改善措施。 |
Organize a series of safety and courtesy training as well as a refresher course on defensive driving for motormen ; and (丁)為車長安排多項有關安全駕駛和服務乘客的訓練,以及警覺駕駛方面的復修課程;及 |
He shivered , stamped his feet , and beat his arms as he had seen other motormen do in the past , but said nothing 他凍得直抖,于是像他以前看到別的司機所做的那樣,跺著雙腳,拍著兩臂,但是一聲不吭。 |
Implement full - scale meal break arrangements whereby meal breaks for motormen would be of not less than 30 minutes (戊)全面實施車長用膳時間的安排,讓車長有不少于30分鐘的用膳時間。 |
It was composed of ex - motormen and conductors in part , with a sprinkling of friends and sympathisers 這些人有一部分是原來的司機和售票員,還有一些是他們的朋友和同情者。 |
The motorman thrown forward , pugnosed , on the guidewheel , yells as he slides past over chains and keys 他一邊滑也似的駛過去,一邊從輪鎖與銷子上面叫喊。司機 |