
motorial adj.運動的,原動的;引起運動的;【解剖學】運動神經的...


The hot spring of the yellow mountains of nationwide fame , was discovered and tapped more than a thousand years ago . gushing forth from the foot of purple cloud peak , it has never run dry during the most severe droughts nor overflooded during excessive rain . it is of a high - temperature carbonate type , with therapeutic effects for metabolic disorder , cardiovascular disease and malfunctions of digestive , nervous and motorial systems . its clear waters remain at 42c all the year round and can be used for drinking and bathing . baths and swimming pools have been built around the spring 溫泉發源于紫云峰的山腳處,無論旱澇多么嚴重都從不干涸。黃山溫泉屬于高溫碳酸鹽型,對許多疾病都有很好的治療效果,比如新陳代謝失調,心血管疾病以及消化系統神經系統和運動神經系統的失調。這些泉水異常清澈,溫度常年保持在42c ,既可飲用又可沐浴,現在溫泉四周已經建起溫泉浴場和游泳池。

The hot spring of the yellow mountains of nationwide fame , was discovered and tapped more than a thousand years ago . gushing forth from the foot of purple cloud peak , it has never run dry during the most severe droughts nor overflooded during excessive rain . it is of a high - temperature carbonate type , with therapeutic effects for metabolic disorder , cardiovascular disease and malfunctions of digestive , nervous and motorial systems . its clear waters remain at 42c all the year round and can be used for drinking and bathing . baths and swimming pools have been built around the spring 黃山擁有無數從過去留下來的石刻,這些石刻不僅僅是優美書法的樣本,也是黃山風景的形象描述: “百態云” “奇美” “刺天峰” “巧奪天工” “宏偉” “壯麗山河” “石獅咆哮” “且聽吟” “臥云” “迷人” “永恒” “醉石”等等。

Compareingthe track programming in joint coordinate with that in cartesian coordinates and analyzing the whole motorial characteristic of the fingers , this dissertation showes method of making track programming in joint coordinate form the start to the near and do in cartesian coordinates from the near to the touch 比較了在關節空間和笛卡爾空間中規劃的優缺點,分析了整個手指的運動特性,提出從起始點到臨近點階段在關節空間中進行規劃,臨近點到接觸點階段在笛卡爾空間進行規劃的方法。

Using coordinate transformation method , the formula of imv on every point of image plane was deduced , and it included almost all motorial factors : the flight velocity of aircraft , roll , pitch , yaw , camera ' s scan and so on . thus , it is a precise formula , and it is also applied to frame cameras and push _ room cameras with array ccd 利用坐標系變換的方法可推出像面上各點的像移速度公式,該公式包含了幾乎所有的運動因素:飛機的前向飛行、飛機的姿態角變化、相機自身的擺掃運動等等,是精確的像移速度公式。本公式同樣適用于畫幅式航空相機和線陣ccd推掃型航空相機。

Second , it presents the project design of an astronauts ’ kinetic measurement system that can precisely measure the forces and moments of key points on motorial person . it presents a principle and flow of the project design of an astronauts ’ kinetic measurement system . and it particularly discusses the demarcate of camera system , the gathering and storage of experiment pictures , pick - up of the symbol data , the parameter calculating method of target movement , and the general design of assistant equipment 然后給出航天員作用力測量實驗系統的設計方案,該系統能夠克服重力影響,較精確地得出運動時人體各關鍵點產生的力和力矩;給出了航天員運動參數測量實驗系統的原理及流程,并詳細論述了攝像系統標定,實驗圖像的采集與存儲,標志點數據的提取及目標運動參數解算的方法;給出了輔助設備的概要設計。