
motorcyclist 騎摩托車的人;【軍事】摩托兵。


After the impact , the 31 - year - old motorcyclist and the 24 - year - old lgv driver were trapped . both of them were later rescued and rushed to the queen elizabeth hospital where the motorcyclist was later certified dead at 3 . 37 pm 意外后,該名三十一歲電單車司機及二十四歲輕型貨車司機被困,被救出后送往伊利沙伯醫院治理,該名電單車司機其后于下午三時三十七分證實死亡。

After the impact , the motorcycle rammed into a kerb and the motorcyclist fell from the flyover onto the ground near bute street . the 27 - year - old motorcyclist sustained injuries to his neck and was rushed to kwong wah hospital where he was certified dead at 3 . 45 am 意外發生后,該名二十七歲電單車司機頸部受傷,被送往廣華醫院搶救,但于三時四十五分傷重不治。

Bogota , colombia - police in the northeastern colombian city of arauca said tuesday that they had detained a donkey named pacho after a motorcyclist crashed into the animal and suffered serious injuries 哥倫比亞首都波哥大市:周二,哥倫比亞東北部阿勞卡市的警方說,一個騎摩托車的人撞上了一頭驢子而且受了重傷,他們已拘留了這頭名叫帕奇歐的驢子。

Would the scheme make great difference in the amount of insurance which a motorcyclist has to pay when he is holding a probationary driving licence when compared with the one holding a full driving licence 計劃會否令持有暫準駕駛執照及持有正式駕駛執照的電單車司機在所須繳付的保險金額上有很大的差異?

Police in the northeastern colombian city of arauca said that they had detained a donkey named pacho after a motorcyclist crashed into the animal and suffered serious injuries 哥倫比亞東北部阿勞卡市的警方說,他們已拘留了一頭名叫帕奇歐的驢.因為在一起交通事故中,一摩托車手撞上這頭驢并且受了重傷

Maneuverability is one of a motorcycle ' s better characteristics , especially at slower speeds and with good road conditions , but don ' t expect a motorcyclist to always be able to dodge out of the way 機動性是機車的一大長處,特別是在較慢速和良好路況的時候,不過別期望機車一定能閃過任何狀況。

A motorcyclist with a helmet - wearing corpse strapped to his back crashed in this mexican city on the u . s . border on friday and fled on foot , setting off a police murder hunt 目前,當地警方已開始這起離奇兇殺案展開調查。一輛摩托車10月21日在緊鄰美國的墨西哥蒂華納市發生車禍,車手棄車而逃。

After the impact , the 28 - year - old motorcyclist was seriously injured and was rushed to the prince of wales hospital in unconscious state where he was certified dead at about 8 . 17 am 意外后,二十八歲的電單車司機嚴重受傷,昏迷不醒,被送往威爾斯親王醫院救治,于上午約八時十七分證實死亡。

After the impact , the pedestrian sustained serious injuries to his head whereas the motorcyclist and his 30 - year - old male passenger fell onto the carriageway and were slightly injured to their arms 該男途人頭部嚴重受傷,而電單車上的司機及三十歲男乘客則跌倒在路上,兩人的雙臂均受輕傷。

If a probationary motorcyclist submits an appeal after conviction of a scheduled offence and the appeal is allowed , his probationary driving licence will be reverted back to the appellant 如暫準電單車司機在觸犯表列罪行被定罪后提出上訴,而上訴得直的話,其暫準駕駛執照將復歸予上訴人。

In the wake of the accident , the motorcyclist was trapped underneath the light goods vehicle sustaining serious injuries , he was rushed to queen elizabeth hospital where he was certified dead at 10 pm 該名男子身受重傷,被送往伊利沙伯醫院搶救,但稍后于晚上十時證實不治。

After the impact , the 48 - year - old motorcyclist sustained serious injuries and was rushed to queen elizabeth hospital where he was certified dead at about 12 . 24 am 意外發生后,四十八歲的電單車司機嚴重受傷,被送往伊利沙伯醫院搶救,于今日凌晨約零時二十四分證實死亡。

A motorcyclist can apply for a full driving licence to drive motor cycle within 3 years from the date of his satisfactory completion of the 12 - month probationary driving period 電單車駕駛人士可在圓滿完成十二個月的電單車暫準駕駛期后的三年內申領正式駕駛執照。

After the impact , the 37 - year - old male motorcyclist fell down on the ground and was rushed to the caritas medical centre where he was certified dead at 1 . 55 pm 事后,該名三十七歲男電單車司機墮地受傷,被送往明愛醫院急救,其后于下午一時五十五分被證實死亡。

The 39 - year - old male motorcyclist fell down and sustained serious injuries . he was rushed to the united christian hospital where he was later certified dead at 7 . 04 am 該名三十九歲男司機墮地后嚴重受傷,被送往聯合醫院搶救,于上午七時零四分證實不治。

Sustaining serious injuries , the 28 - year - old motorcyclist was sent to princess margaret hospital for treatment where he was certified dead at 9 . 18 am on the same day 該名二十八歲男子身受重傷,被送往瑪嘉烈醫院救治,于上午九時十八分被證實死亡。

When a probationary motorcyclist is convicted of a serious offence , his probationary driving licence will be cancelled immediately by the commissioner for transport 倘暫準電單車司機觸犯嚴重罪行,一經定罪,運輸署署長將即時吊銷其暫準駕駛執照。

After the impact , the motorcyclist sustained serious injuries and was sent to queen elizabeth hospital , where he was certified dead at 1 . 46 am 意外發生后,電單車司機身受重傷,被送往伊利沙伯醫院救治。他延至凌晨一時四十六分證實不治。

The motorcyclist sustained serious injuries after the crash and he was rushed to the north district hospital where he was certified dead at 3 . 53 am 事發后電單車司機嚴重受傷,立即被送往北區醫院搶救,但延至上午三時五十三分傷重不治。