
motorcar 汽車。


It provides the parts form famous name brand plants engaged in motorcars as completion set . and it has got high popularity from xinda zhou , etc . plants 為國內多家名牌摩托車生產廠家提供配套,得到了新大洲等各大配套廠家的好評

Professional new motorcar set service organization , professional engineers assist motorcycle factory to change various type motorcars 專門的新車配套服務機構,專業工程師協助摩托車主機廠對各種車型進行達標改造。

As a very important part of the ignition system , ignition coil gives great impact to the performance of motorcars 點火線圈作為汽車點火控制系統的重要組成部件,其指標直接影響汽車的動力學性能及環保性能。

The machine is an appropriate molding equipment which is used to produce al - alloy piston - molding of motorcars and motorcycle 本機是汽車、摩托車發動機鋁合金活塞鑄件的專用金屬型鑄造設備。

Further , under + 49 211 9 41 03 - 0 you can query all basic data on component , plant fittings and / or also on motorcars 請您訪問我們的主頁或者發送給我們電子郵件,垂詢當前的信息和服務。

1863 henry ford , american motorcar engineer and magnat was born at dearborn in michigan , the son of a farmer 美國汽車工程師和汽車大王亨利?福特生于密執安州迪爾本一個農民家庭。

It is used for motorcars , eletronic appliances , lamps and other metal articles that require high - grade baking paint 摩托車、家電制品、燈具及其它金屬制品之高級烤漆。

It is madness pure and simple to race wildly on a bicycle down a country road , chasing a motorcar 在鄉村道路上騎著自行車拼命去追一輛汽車,完全是頭腦發瘋了。

It is best fit for pouring liquefied gas bottle , inversing bottle and adding gas for motorcar 該泵最適合于液化氣瓶的罐裝、倒罐及汽車燃料加氣。

Designation of the rotational direction , the cylinders and the ignition circuits of motorcar engines 汽車發動機旋轉方向汽缸和點火電路的標志

He is truly sorry for his past , and he has undertaken to give up motorcars entirely and for ever 他誠懇地懺悔過去,并保證永遠不再玩汽車。

If you in in train , you will come to know the comparative speed between train and motorcar 如果你坐在火車里,就能感覺火車和汽車的相對速度

Bicycles , motorcycles and relative service , express forwarding , motorcar and related . . 汽車及相關服務,快遞服務,單車、電單車及相關服務

3 the motorcar , for example , promised unimaginable levels of personal mobility 比如,汽車曾使我們希望個人出行會方便得讓人難以想象。

New motorcar set 新車配套:

No . the windscreen of that motorcar in the sun there . just a flash like that 不對,是那邊陽光底下那輛汽車的擋風玻璃,那么一閃。

We should complete the general design of the motorcar this year , whether or no 無論如何,今年我們應該完成這種汽車的總體設計。

Motorcar radio set 汽車收音機亦稱

Motorcar - washing centres 洗車中心