
motorcade 〔美國〕汽車的長蛇陣[長列]。


In principle , ultrasonic sensors are suspended over a road , which keep emitting pulse signals periodically to nearby and feed back waves to decide existence of any obstacles , thus to detect the speed , height , length , different sizes ( heavy , medium and small ) of moving vehicles and accumulative flow as well as length of motorcade . optionally , it can be applied to multitude driving lanes simultaneously for traffic data . by integrating and analyzing these measured data , the necessary figures concerning traffic flow may be obtained , which are fundamental basis guiding road buildings 本課題設計的是一種懸掛式超聲波車流多信息檢測器,通過懸掛于路面上方的超聲波探頭向路面周期性地發射脈沖信號,利用地面回波來判斷遮擋物地存在,可用于檢測行駛中的機動車車速、車高、車長、大中小分型以及累計車流量、車隊長度等信息,并可用于多個車道車流信息的同時檢測,綜合這些測量參數可獲得車流量的必要數據,可為公路建設提供必要的基礎依據。

Surrounded by the wuyi mountain , the hotel with unique style boasts various facilities including over 100 rooms in various standard , shopping center , bars , restaurant , dancing hall , meeting rooms , commercial center , swimming pool , beauty parlor , barbershops , sauna bath , medical and health room , angling pool and motorcade 山莊依山而建,風格獨特開窗見景舒適溫馨。有標準不同的各類客房100多間套商場酒吧車隊餐廳舞廳網吧會展中心商務中心游泳池網球場籃球場桑拿美容美發發室醫療保健室及釣魚湖等各種服務設施完善。

Especially declare : participate in motorcade team member must apply for second accounts ( the name must begin with kok + chinese , do not use english please ) unify to the blue dark girl of personages , and practise the rank to l3 of the small size rank 特別聲明:凡參加車隊隊員必須申請小號(名字必須以kok開頭+漢字,請不要使用英文)統一人物藍色黑妞,并且將小號等級一周內練至l3級別,否則視為自動退隊(特殊原因請與隊長聯系) !

Yongheng machinery manufacturing proliferates the national mining area the markting network , stable marketing team , effective and influential word , good faith service ; the hige quality professional service personnel , the fast highly effective professional service motorcade , is your solid backing 永恒機械遍布全國礦區的營銷網絡,穩固的營銷團隊,一言九鼎,誠信服務;高素質專業服務人員,快速高效的專業服務車隊,是您堅實的后盾。

There are balliard room , room of chess and card , tennis , gymnasium and cosmetology , hair - dressing on the fourth stoery . it is the dancing hall and ktv compartment on the fifth floor ; hotel also has comprehensive auxiliary facilities such as sauna center , motorcade , etc 四層有臺球室棋牌室乒乓球健身及美容美發廳五層為歌舞廳和ktv包房酒店還擁有桑拿中心車隊等綜合配套設施餐飲設施

Especially declare : participate in motorcade team member must apply for second accounts ( the name must begin with kok + chinese , do not use english please ) unify to the blue dark girl of personages , and practise the rank to l3 of the small size rank 特別聲明:凡參加車隊隊員必須申請小號(名字必須以kok開頭+漢字,請不要使用英文)統一人物藍色黑妞,并且將小號級練至l3級別!

( 4 ) an efficient approach of the shortest path algorithm which is based on dijkstra algorithm is realized . a motorcade - optimized dispatching software is realized . finally , future applications of the urban traffic flow guidance system are discussed ( 4 )用dijkstra算法實現了城市中兩點間最短路徑搜索,在此基礎上,實現了基于電子地圖的大型車隊優化調度及管理的系統軟件。

A few choice scenes from the movie include a presidential motorcade flash - frozen on the streets of new york , hail the size of grapefruit demolishing tokyo , a mass migration of americans into mexico and a tidal wave that smashes new york city 影片有幾個經典場面,包括總統車隊在紐約街頭被迅速凍結,柚子大小的冰雹摧毀東京,美國人向墨西哥大規模遷移,以及潮汐波沖毀紐約城。

Scenes from the movie include a presidential motorcade flash - frozen on the streets of new york , hail the size of grapefruit demolishing tokyo , a mass migration of americans into mexico and a tidal wave that smashes new york city 影片有幾個經典場面,包括總統車隊在紐約街頭被迅速凍結,柚子大小的冰雹摧毀東京,美國人向墨西哥大規模遷移,以及潮汐波沖毀紐約城。

Traffic games said the objective was for a player to fire three shots at kennedy ' s motorcade from assassin lee harvey oswald ' s digitally recreated sixth - floor perch in the texas school book depository “交通游戲”公司表示,這款游戲的目標是讓玩家從利用數碼技術模擬的刺客李?哈維?奧斯瓦爾德的藏身之地(得克薩斯教學圖書館六樓倉庫)向肯尼迪的車隊開三槍。

We have the specialized relay warehouse and motorcade which were authorized by the government departments of fire prevention , maritime affair , transportation and civil aviation , the necessary logistic facility is complete 我們有經消防、海事、交通、民航等政府部門批準的專業的中轉倉庫、車隊等配套物流設施齊全。

One of the damaged cars of pakistani president pervez musharraf ' s motorcade is lifted at the site of suicide bomb blasts in rawalpindi in this december 25 , 2003 file picture 這張2003年12月25日的資料照片顯示,巴基斯坦總統佩爾韋茲?穆沙拉夫的車隊遭遇自殺襲擊后,車隊一輛受損的汽車正要被運離爆炸現場。

New zealand prime minister helen clark is under fire after her motorcade broke speed limits so she could attend a rugby match between new zealand and arch rival australia in wellington last saturday 新西蘭總理克拉克上周六為了趕到惠靈頓,出席國家欖球隊與宿敵澳洲的比賽,座駕不惜超速,事后遭到抨擊。

On november 22 , 1963 , when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office , john fitzgerald kennedy was killed by an assassin ' s bullets as his motorcade wound through dallas , texas 1963年11月22日,此時他剛剛度過了在白宮的1000個日子,約翰.肯尼迪在得克薩斯州達拉斯市遭遇了刺客的子彈。

This paper is to establish a system based on electronic map for motorcade - optimized dispatching , and dynamic programming algorithm is used to realize vehicle dispatching 本文的中心內容是:組建了一個基于電子地圖大型車隊優化調度及管理系統,并用動態規劃算法實現了車輛的智能調度。

The motorcade is in the physical distribution transport company an important functional departments , affects the physical distribution grade of service and the physical distribution cost directly 摘要車隊是物流運輸公司中一個重要的職能部門,直接影響物流服務質量和物流成本。

Hotel possession shopping center , bars , dancing hall , swimming pool , beauty parlor , barbershops , sauna bath , medical and health room , angling pool and motorcade 酒店擁有商場酒吧餐廳舞廳網吧游泳池網球場籃球場桑拿美容美發發室醫療保健室及釣魚湖等各種服務設施完善。

Corzine broke his leg , a number of ribs , his sternum and cracked a vertebra when his motorcade crashed along the garden state parkway yesterday 科贊昨天他的車子在公園州(美國新澤西州之別名)的駕車專用道路發生事故,這使得他的腿,許多肋骨以及胸骨受傷,而且其脊椎骨骨裂。

This article from the motorcade pilot , the vehicles , the dispatcher , the safe four aspects obtains , has comprehensively analyzed the aspects which the motorcade manages 文中從車隊駕駛員、車輛、調度、安全四個方面入手,全面地分析了車隊管理的方方面面。