
motorboat 汽艇,汽船。


Marine sport project includes water skiing , half qian sightseeing ship , drag umbrella and speedboat sea to catch , platform sea catches , the bank catches , motorboat , speedboat ring island and luxury spurt speedboat , banana ship , sailing boat , sail board and dugout canoe , they or innervation upsets , or is peaceful and calm , but can let you let always , gathers energy for cause and the work of tomorrow 海上運動項目包括滑水、半潛觀光船、拖傘、快艇海釣、平臺海釣、岸釣、摩托艇、快艇環島、豪華噴射快艇、香蕉船、帆船、帆板、獨木舟等,它們或動感刺激,或寧靜安詳,但總能讓您盡整,為明天的工作和事業積聚能量。

They drove as far as they could before wading through the muddy water filled with rock debris from the landslide to the newly formed lake . the 40 - minute trek was followed by a 30 - minute journey by motorboat to the affected area 前往災區十分不容易,下車后要走四十分鐘,通過塌下的泥石流,到達新形成的湖后,再坐三十分鐘摩托船才到達鎮上。

At the seaside resort , which extends 17 . 8km long , you can enjoy beach volleyball and aquatic motorboat , feeling the dynamic surfing on the sea and experience a healthy and colorful life 這里還有延綿海邊17 . 8公里的海濱浴場及沙灘俱樂部,有沙灘排球、水上摩托艇等娛樂項目,讓您全新體驗海濱動感沖擊魅力及健康、時尚的多彩生活!

During the last 16 years since he was engaged in teaching , liu huashan supplied 40 outstanding sportsmen or more of swimming , water polo , kayak , motorboat and dragon - boat to superior training units in total 劉華山從教26年來,總共向上級訓練單位輸送了游泳、水球、皮劃艇、摩托艇、龍舟優秀運動員40余名。

Reports said ( say ) modern pirates used high speed motorboats , most pirates force the ( their ) way on the worship ( on to the ships ) , take what they want and they ( are ) gone with in ( within ) minutes 有報告說現在的海盜使用高速的摩托艇,大多海盜在船上開路,帶走他們想要的東西并在幾分鐘類離去。

Test limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of vehicles , motorboats , and spark - ignited engine - driven devices 車輛電動船和火花點燃式發動機驅動的無線電干擾特性的測量方法和試驗限值

Vehicles , motorboats and spark - ignited engine - driven devices - radio disturbance characteristics - limits and methods of measurement 車輛機動船和由火花點火發動機驅動的裝置的無線電騷擾特性的限值和測量方法

After the ferris wheel , they tried a small motorboat , and after that they had ice cream and cake . they entered a dance hall 從觀覽車中下來,他們又坐了汽艇,吃了冰激凌和蛋糕,然后走進了一家舞場。

The oscillation is called a laser wakefield because it trails the laser pulse like the wake produced by a motorboat 這個震?稱為雷射尾跡場,因為雷射脈沖的軌跡,就像機船在海面上所產生的船痕。

In any case , many snowmobilers like the noise , just as many people who drive motorboats or fast cars do 不管怎么著,反正許多駕摩托雪橇的人都喜歡這種噪音,就像那些開摩托艇和極速汽車的人一樣。

A board pulled over the water by a motorboat and ridden by a person standing up 滑水板由機動船牽引水面上的板,并由站在上面的人乘坐操縱

Introduction : driving your motorboat , ready to start the game , key control , refueling 駕駛你的汽艇,準備開始比賽,方向鍵控制,加油!

Driving your motorboat , ready to start the game , key control , refueling 駕駛你的汽艇,準備開始比賽,方向鍵控制,加油!

Motorboat tournament games 汽艇賽小游戲

A large , open motorboat 大型敞篷摩托艇

Are they built for speed or for comfort ? what you do with ' em ? motorboat 感覺刺激還是舒適你怎么做了?玩“摩托艇“了

Take a ride on my motorboat 乘我的摩托艇去。

Motorboat tournament introduction 汽艇賽游戲攻略

A gasoline engine drives the motorboat . 汽油引擎推動汽船。