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motor spirit 汽油。

motor squadron

It is proved that polycomponent water mist has better extinguishment efficiency than waer mist ; it is more difficult to put out a ethanol motor spirit fire than a motor spirit fire ; the work pressure what is needed to extinguish a ethanol motor spirit fire is higher than that for motor spirit fire 研究表明,多組分細水霧比普通細水霧具有更好的滅火效果,乙醇汽油火的滅火難度要比汽油火的大,多組分細水霧用于乙醇汽油場合滅火時,其滅火工作壓力要大于用于汽油的場合。

About three hours later on the same day , customs officers stationing at the lok ma chau control point intercepted another incoming lorry for search and found another 659 jerry cans ( 16 , 475 litres ) of duty - not - paid motor spirit . the motor spirit inside the cargo compartment had been falsely declared as liquid detergent 同日約三小時后,落馬洲邊境管制站的海關人員截查另一輛入境的貨車,于貨斗內發現659膠桶( 16 , 475公升)報稱為清洗劑的未完稅電油。

This paper analyses the heat absorption and evaporation process of the droplet , the combustion characteristic of motor spirit and ethanol motor spirit , and oxygen concentration of motor spirit and ethanol motor spirit was measured from burning to self extinguishing in the enclosed space 摘要分析了細水霧滅火時液滴的吸熱蒸發過程和汽油與乙醇汽油的燃燒特性,進行了汽油、乙醇在封閉空間內從燃燒到自行熄滅時的含氧量變化測量。

Shortly before 7 . 30 pm , customs officers intercepted an incoming lorry for search at the sha tau kok control point . as a result , 648 jerry cans ( 16 , 200 litres ) of duty - not - paid motor spirit falsely declared as organic solvent were found inside the cargo compartment 約晚上7時30分,駐守沙頭角邊境管制站的海關人員截查一輛入境的貨車,并于貨斗內發現648膠桶( 16 , 200公升)報稱為有機復合溶劑的未完稅電油。

On the other hand , china s top exports to the philippines include semi - conductors , electronic parts and accessories , motor spirit , gas oil , wheat , coal , fertilizer , and crude liquefied butane 另一方面,中國出口到菲律賓的產品中位于前列的有半導體、電子數據處理元件、棉紗、石油產品、電信設備部件以及民用電子產品。

Class 4 industrial oils and greases ; lubricants ; dust absorbing , wetting and binding compositions ; fuels ( including motor spirit ) and illuminants ; candles and wicks for lighting 商標注冊類別4工業用油及油脂,潤滑劑,吸收,噴灑和黏結灰塵用品,燃料(包括馬達用的汽油)和照明材料,照明用蠟和燈芯。

Class4 : industrial oils and greases ; lubricants ; dust absorbing , wetting and binding compositions ; fuels ( including motor spirit ) and illuminants ; candles and wicks for lighting 類別4 :工業用油及油脂,潤滑劑,吸收,噴灑和黏結灰塵用品,燃料(包括馬達用的汽油)和照明材料,照明用蠟和燈芯。

Comparison experiments of water mist with polycomponent water mist , and the test on polycomponent water mists extinguishing efficiency against ethanol and ethanol motor spirit fire were done 進行了多組分細水霧與細水霧的滅火性能比較,和用多組分細水霧對汽油火、乙醇汽油火的滅火性能試驗。

Customs officers of sha tau kok and lok ma chau control points yesterday ( may 25 ) cracked two cases of lorries smuggling motor spirit into hong kong from the mainland 海關人員昨日(五月二十五日)在沙頭角及落馬洲邊境管制站偵破兩宗利用貨車從內地走私未完稅電油入境的案件。

Industrial oils and greases ; lubricants ; dust absorbing , wetting and binding compositions ; fuels including motor spirit and illuminants ; candles and wicks for lighting 工業用油及油脂,潤滑劑,吸收,噴灑和黏結灰塵用品,燃料包括馬達用的汽油和照明材料,照明用蠟和燈芯。

A spokesman of the customs and excise department said today ( may 26 ) , “ hong kong customs officers have been tightening enforcement actions to curb smuggling of motor spirit . 海關發言人今日(五月二十六日)說,香港海關已加強執法行動堵截走私未完稅電油入境活動。

He appealed to the public not to use illicit motor spirit , warning that the maximum penalty for contravention is $ 1 million fine and 2 years imprisonment 他呼吁市民不要使用非法燃油,一經定罪,最高罰款為100萬元及監禁兩年。

Smuggled motor spirit seized at land boundary control points - 26 may 2005 ( thursday ) customs seizes 2 . 6kg ketamine at airport - 26 may 2005 ( thursday ) 海關在邊境管制站檢獲走私電油-二五年五月二十六日(星期四)

Customs officers seized the motor spirit which was worth about $ 217 , 400 and with a duty potential of about $ 99 , 800 ; and arrested a 35 - year - old man 檢獲的電油約值217 , 400元,應課稅值99 , 800元。一名35歲男子被捕。

Hydrocarbon oil - - including motor spirit , aircraft spirit , kerosene and light diesel oil 碳氫油包括車用汽油、飛機用汽油、火水及輕質柴油;

The seized motor spirit was worth about $ 213 , 800 , carrying a duty potential of about $ 98 , 100 檢獲的電油約值213 , 800元,應課稅值98 , 100元。