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motor scooter 低座小摩托車。

motor spirit

Why not hire a motor scooter and make a circuit of the island with the sea wind in your face , or stroll along the seashore and hunt for treasures on the coral and fossil - covered beaches where hermit crabs scuttle 游客不妨租輛機車,迎著海風環島一圈,或漫步海邊,在珊瑚化石遍布寄居蟹橫行的海灘上尋寶。

The roads were filled with motor scooters 路上滿是摩托車

Motorcycles motor scooters - parts repairing 電單車零件及修理

For sale : small motor scooter . enquire within 待售:小型摩托車,請進內詢問。