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motor maker 〔美國〕汽車制造人[廠]。

motor meter

In other words , the chinese motor makers are now facing fierce competition both at home and abroad . under the new situation , a profound and objective evaluation on ice of chinese auto enterprises is crucial for taking advantage of this opportunity and upgrading the productivity of the entire industry . consequently , the evolution of auto industry will eventually increase the overall competitive power of the whole country 因此,如何客觀地評價我國汽車企業的國際競爭能力,細致地分析具體競爭力的強弱,給中國汽車企業的競爭力水平以一個準確的定位,找準差距、勵精圖治,爭取抓住機遇,實現中國整體汽車產業的跨越式發展具有現實意義,汽車產業這個支柱產業的發展對提升我國的整體競爭力水平也有著長遠的意義。