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motor hotel [inn] (市內的)汽車酒店〔多建有停車房等〕。

motor launch

10 place to stay while traveling in the country go by different names , such as hotels , motels or motor hotels , inns , lodges or resorts 10在這個國家旅行時可供住宿的旅合種類繁多,有旅館、汽車旅館、客棧、度假勝地的小旅店和賓館等

Places to stay may be called hotels , motels or motor hotels , inns , lodges or resorts 住宿的地方可以稱為旅館、汽車旅館、客棧、度假小舍、度假村等。

Motel motor hotel 汽車飯店旅店