
motoneuron n.【醫學】運動神經元。


He has also been an associate editor - in - chief of j . wannan med . college since 2001 . his research has involved several fields of mathematical pharmacology timed dose - response relationship of drug action , cell electrophysiological and pharmacological studies on neurons in sympathetic ganglia and motoneurons in spinal cord slices , studies on mechanisms underling effects of ethanol and general anesthetics 效關系的研究交感神經節和脊髓運動神經元突觸傳遞的細胞電生理和藥理學研究乙醇和全麻藥作用機制的研究等領域,專長于腦脊髓切片神經元的細胞電生理和電藥理學研究,曾承擔國家自然科學基金衛生部等研究課題多項。

His research has involved several fields of mathematical pharmacology ( timed dose - response relationship of drug action ) , cell electrophysiological and pharmacological studies on neurons in sympathetic ganglia and motoneurons in spinal cord slices , studies on mechanisms underling effects of ethanol and general anesthetics . he is good at cell electrophysiology and pharmacology of neurons in brain or spinal cord slices and has completed several projects granted by national natural science foundation of china , ministry of health and so on 效關系的研究) 、交感神經節和脊髓運動神經元突觸傳遞的細胞電生理和藥理學研究、乙醇和全麻藥作用機制的研究等領域,專長于腦脊髓切片神經元的細胞電生理和電藥理學研究,曾承擔國家自然科學基金、衛生部等研究課題多項。

Expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor of spinal cord motoneuron after sciatic nerve injury and changes after acupuncture intervention in rats 大鼠坐骨神經損傷后脊髓運動神經元捷狀神經營養因子的表達及針刺干預后的變化

Receptor mechanisms underlying synaptic responses of motoneurons to the descending activation and afferent input in neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro 離體脊髓運動神經元介導下行激活和外周傳入的受體機制

Expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor in motoneurons during peripheral nerve degeneration and regeneration 睫狀神經營養因子在喉返神經損傷及修復中疑核神經元內的表達

Expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor in ambiguous nucleus motoneuron af ter long - term laryngeal denervation 長期喉返神經損傷后疑核運動神經元睫狀神經營養因子的表達

Effects of gap junction of motoneuron in spinal cord on spasticity following experimental capsular hemorrhage in rats 實驗性內囊出血后脊髓前角縫隙連接對肌痙攣的影響

Survival rate and morphological analysis of rat cultured spinal motoneurons 體外培養大鼠脊髓運動神經元的存活率及形態觀察

Inferior oblique motoneurons 下斜肌運動神經元