
motley n.莫特利〔姓氏〕。


The typi ca1 symptom j s fold and b1 istering , even d istortj on , 1ops i ded j ] ] - - ] eaf , shorti ng p ] ant , there are motley with 1ight green and deep green , and some of the mot ] ey are ye1wt mm 1eave m tny : the i ] . 1 - - 1ed has arias mosai c , 1ops i ded , and the tissue of the i11 - - 1eaf has deteriorated exceeding1y , with s1ender pteridophyte 1 . eaves , i l1 p1ant is green - - yei 1ow , obvious1y shortened in joint , the who1e p1ant serious1y shortened and grows thickly 南瓜病毒病的典型癥狀為皺縮有皰斑、甚至扭曲,病葉畸形,植株矮化;花葉葉片上出現淡綠色和深綠色相間的斑駁,有的斑駁明顯黃化;蕨葉叢枝型:病葉不但嚴重花葉、畸形,而且葉肉組織極度退化,纖細呈蕨叫葉狀,病株黃綠色,節間明顯縮短,整個植株嚴重矮化叢枝狀。

But though he believed so implicitly that he was king of naples , and sympathised with his subjects grief at losing him , after he had been commanded to return to the service , and especially after his interview with napoleon at danzig , when his most august brother - in - law had said , i have made you king that you may rule in my way , and not in your own , he had cheerfully resumed his familiar duties ; and , like a well - fed , but not over - fed stallion feeling himself in harness , prancing in the shafts , and decked out in all possible motley magnificence , he went galloping along the roads of poland , with no notion where or why he was going 盡管他堅信他是那不勒斯王,對即將與之離別的臣民的悲傷覺得抱歉,但最近,在他奉命又回軍隊之后,特別是在丹澤ohisut見到拿破侖之后,當至尊的舅子對他說: “ je vous ai fait roi pour rgner ma manire , mais pas la voatre ” ,他愉快地從事起他熟悉的事業,像一匹上了膘,但卻長得不太肥的馬,感到自己被套起來,在車轅中撒歡,并打扮得盡可能的華貴,歡歡喜喜,得意洋洋地沿著波蘭的大道奔跑,而自己卻不知道何處去和為什么。

Passepartout wandered for several hours in the midst of this motley crowd , looking in at the windows of the rich and curious shops , the jewellery establishments glittering with quaint japanese ornaments , the restaurants decked with streamers and banners , the tea - houses , where the odorous beverage was being drunk with saki , a liquor concocted from the fermentation of rice , and the comfortable smoking - houses , where they were puffing , not opium , which is almost unknown in japan , but a very fine , stringy tobacco . he went on till he found himself in the fields , in the midst of vast rice plantations 在這些各色各樣的人群中,路路通整整游逛了好幾個鐘頭,他參觀了街上那些稀奇古怪而又富麗堂皇的店鋪欣賞了堆滿著金光奪目的日本首飾市場張望了那些門前掛著花花綠綠的小旗子,而他卻沒錢進去的日本飯店也瞧了瞧那些茶館,那兒人們正在端著滿杯喝著一種清香撲鼻熱氣騰騰的用發酵大米作成的酒釀湯,此外他還看了那些香煙館,那兒人們不是在吸鴉片,而是吸著一種氣味芬芳的煙草,因為在日本吸鴉片的人,幾乎可以說沒有。

Based on summarizing li - ion batteries , some pertinent data and looking into the status quo about spinel limna research at home and abroad , it “ s known that the deficiency of the material lies in inhomogeneity . motley phase . instability as well as poor reversibility 本文在綜述鋰離子電池及其相關材料的基礎上,分析了國內外尖晶石limn _ 2o _ 4的研究現狀,可知limn _ 2o _ 4正極材料的不足之處在于材料的均勻性不好,合成產物物相多,結構不穩定,從而導致材料性能差。

Using the same jump cutting that made his beatles film a hard day s night ( 1964 ) , richard lester s vivid portrayal of how british men and women flirt does not only startle the u . k . audience , but also taunts the bizarre and motley amatory phenomenon of london 黎斯特繼承潮片《一夜狂歡》 ( 1964 )里的跳接手法,把英國街頭青年男女的調情戲淋漓盡致地再現出來,令英國觀眾大吃一驚之馀,也諷刺地呈現了倫敦光怪陸離的情色社會現象。

But there were no ingratiating , alluring voices of shopmen , no hawkers , no motley , female mob of purchaserseverywherewere the uniforms and overcoats of soldiers without guns , going out in silence with loads of booty , and coming in empty - handed 但已聽不到店員甜言蜜語勸購的聲音,看不到小販和五顏六色的女顧客只有士兵的制服和大衣在晃動,士兵們沒帶武器,空手進去,默默地走出來時全身已鼓鼓囊囊。

The little room was littered with the drawing - room furniture , which the workmen had been compelled to roll in there , and it was full of a motley assemblage of round tables , sofas and armchairs , with their legs in air for the most part 梳妝室里塞滿了從客廳里搬過來的家具,那是不得已才搬過來的。幾張獨腳小圓桌,幾張長沙發,幾把扶手椅,全都四腳朝天,堆在一起。

Set him beside his wife : hes a motley fool ! swinging his stout frame , pierre slouched through the crowd , nodding to right and to left , as casually and good - naturedly as though he were walking through a crowd in a market 皮埃爾移動他那很胖的身體,搖搖晃晃地走路,推開人群,漫不經心地溫和地向左右兩旁的人們點頭,就像從集上的人群中擠過去似的。

Follow in the footsteps of a motley group of pirates as they rampage throughout the caribbean sea . you ll even get to sail into the heart of a heated sea battle as the pirate crew fights for captives and plunder 橫行加勒比桀驁不馴的海盜讓您在邁向驚險之旅時不知不覺地已進入海上戰斗,處處驚心動魄的游樂設施讓您飽嘗新鮮驚奇與興奮!

Natasha looked with joy at the familiar face of pierre , the motley fool , as madame peronsky called him , and knew that it was they , and she in particular , of whom pierre was in search in the crowd 娜塔莎懷著喜悅的心情望著那個她所熟悉的被佩斯卡婭稱為打諢的小丑的皮埃爾的面孔。她曉得皮埃爾在人群中尋找他們,特別是尋找她。

Entr acte . a ribald face , sullen as a dean s , buck mulligan came forwards then blithe in motley , towards the greeting of their smiles 這時,形容猥瑣神態像副主教那樣陰沉的勃克穆利根身穿色彩斑斕的小丑服裝,愉快地向笑臉相迎的人們走來。

The latest generation of patrol craft are very different from the motley collection used by the founding water police in the early days of the colony 現時使用的最新一代巡邏船艇與本港早期水警所用的混合類型艇隊大不相同。

“ the spaniards were astonished at these novel maneuvers [ by musketeers on skates ] upon the ice ” ( john lothrop motley ) “西班牙人被這些在冰上的滑行步兵進行的大規模戰略演習驚得目瞪口呆” (約翰?勞斯路普?莫特利) 。

“ a pardon , so restricted that none were likely to be forgiven save those who had done no wrong ” ( john lothrop motley ) 請原諒,如此地嚴格限制以致于除了那些從沒做過錯事的人,沒有人可饒恕(約翰?洛特諾普?莫特列) 。

On christmas day , 1953 , a spark set one hut aflame . whipped by dry winds , the fire raged through the motley collection of dwellings 一九五三年的圣誕日,一間寮屋失火,火乘風勢迅速蔓延整個雜亂無章的寮屋區。

“ the poverty - stricken exiles contributed far more , in proportion . . . than the wealthy merchants ” ( john lothrop motley ) “貧困的流放者們做出的貢獻要比富裕的商人們做出的貢獻大得多” (約翰?洛斯羅普?莫特利) 。

“ every statue was hurled from its niche . . . every painted window [ was ] shivered to atoms ” ( john lothrop motley ) “每一尊雕像都從壁龕上被推了下來…每一扇彩畫的窗戶震得粉碎” (約翰?洛斯羅普?莫特利) 。

The museum has been converted into offices and is now inhabited by a motley assortment of architects , designers and artists 這座博物館被改造成辦公樓,現居住著建筑師,設計師和藝術家等各色人物。

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