
motivity n.(發) 動力,原動力。


Then the thesis point out that the motivity of exterior is composing of technology ? market and government which engender the motivity and that the motivity of interior is composing of inner resistance and inner motivity 指出技術創新的外部動力是由技術產生的創新動力、市場產生的創新動力和政府產生的創新動力構成;技術創新的內部動力是由內部阻力和內生動力構成。

On the base of that , the policy of regional national autonomy should be utilized fully and regarded as a great motivity promoting the development of economy and society in inner mongolia to speed the realization of leapfrogging progress 在此基礎上切實用足、用好民族區域自治制度,把它作為推動內蒙古地區經濟社會發展的強大動力,促進內蒙古實現跨越式發展。

The commercial culture fully exerts the motivity of these signs through mass media and advertisement etc , it not only brings about the financial benefit but changes people “ s commercial idea , even life style 消費文化通過大眾媒體、廣告等,將這些符號的能動性發揮得淋漓盡致,不僅增創了經濟效益,更改變了人們的消費觀念、甚至生活方式。

Begin with the analysis of conceptions and the theories of the strategic alliance , the article researches the inner and outer motivities to develop the strategic alliance of dfstw 本文從戰略聯盟的概念、理論和博弈方法入手,分析了東方汽輪機廠發展戰略聯盟的外部和內部動因,研究了東汽研發技術合作戰略聯盟和合作生產戰略聯盟。

This paper catches the unlisted company merging the listed company as research object . the behavior of utilizing shell resource is an especial m & a , it has some characters in some fields such as motivity and participator 上市公司“殼”資源利用行為是一種特殊的企業并購行為,它在動因、被并購對象等方面都有其自身的特點。

It is applicable for signal examination in high temperature at ac rated voltage 300 500v and below , especially for transmiting wire of protecting loops controland motivity in fire fighting security system 適用于交流額定電壓300 500v及以下,高溫環境中的信號檢測。尤其適用于消防與保安系統保護回路的控制及動力的傳輸線。

Chapter 2 talked about basic economic theories for land system , illustrating land system land connotation and functions , discussing the motivity , wise and performance valuation of land system 在對土地的特性及其價值形成進行論述后,闡明了土地制度的內涵及功能,并進而論述了土地制度變革的動力、方式及效益評估。

On the basis of examining the theories of motivity of technological innovation in the world , the thesis analyses the motivity of enterprise technological innovation from interior and exterior 在對國內外技術創新動力理論進行考察的基礎上,論文從創新主體受力的角度出發,從內外兩方面分析了企業技術創新動力。

On the one hand , a large amount of inefficiency exists in the state - owned banks ; on the other hand , they extremely lack motivity to carry on the innovation 全融國際化實際上也是金融制度的一種變遷,這種變遷是世界經濟一體化的必然結果。金融國際化對中國金融改革的影響力和作用力主要表現在六個方面,即。

Inner resistance is composing of the lack of concept ? fund and capability of technological innovation . inner motivity is composing of the factors of benefit - leading 內部阻力因素包括缺乏技術創新觀念、缺乏技術創新資金和缺乏技術創新能力;內生動力因素包括利益導向要素、企業家行為和企業員工三方面。

They are selfish and trying to avoid surpassing themselves , which will cause the whole staff ' s capabilities to be worse and worse , and this kind of corporations can ' t keep strong motivity in the future 大家都報著私心,不愿也不知道自我超越,導致企業員工的能力從上到下越來越差,這樣的企業往往后勁不足。

New research indicated that emotion has nine functions such as motivity , aggrandizement , adjustability , semaphore , infection , transference , leading , healthy and harmony 研究表明情感具有動力功能、強化功能、調節功能、信號功能、感染功能、遷移功能、疏導功能、情感的保健功能和協調功能等九大功能。

It is just like the gene of difficult case and the seeds which are sunk in sleep , which is pregnant with the maturity of laws and motivity establishing his reputation as a judge 源于事情無窮的法律不確定性,昭示立法萬能的神話破滅,是疑難案件的基因,是沉睡的種子,包孕著法律成長和法官成名的原動力。

The implementation procedure sichuan majestic group institutional framework as well as the motivity and obstruction are given out ; in addition , the solution for the implementation obstruction is provided 然后提出了川威集團組織結構改革的實施程序、實施動力與阻力,并對實施阻力提出了解決辦法。

And finally it will solve ultimate motivity of development of enterprise . for long lack of prompting structural balance and intensity worry chinese enterprise at all time 長期以來,激勵結構性平衡和強度不足一直困擾著中國企業,也使得中國企業發展的根本動力問題一直沒有得到很好的解決。

It also not solve the ultimate motivity of development of chinese enterprise what expresses on the prompting form is stress on political credit and status advance but ignore even deny economical promoting 表現在激勵形式上則是強調政治榮譽、地位提升,輕視、忽視甚至否定經濟激勵。

The importance of hr work for the enterprise ’ s survival and grow is well known . the talent people who construct the enterprise itself become the resource of the motivity 本論文重點探討和研究了人力資源管理過程中人員流失的現象及規律,并闡述了人在企業中的重要性。

The paper points out that the sustainability of knowledge has become key element and motivity of development and that knowledge economic society should he sustainable 摘要知識增長的可持續性已使其成為經濟發展的核心要素和動力,知識經濟應該是可持續發展的。

The application and development of digital color technology will surely bring new motivity and energy to the traditional textile and dyeing industry in our country 色彩數字化技術的應用和發展必將為我國傳統的紡織印染行業帶來新的動力和活力。