
motiveless adj.沒有動機[目的、理由]的,妄動的。


With the application of fabric simulation technique , textile designation becomes quite easy and effective ; designer will be released from multifarious and trivial labor and have more time or energy to engage in conceiving production ; you can obtain realistic textile pictures and need not to weave out it actually , this will lead to a great many benefits : shorten produce period rapidly , reduce running expense sharply , fasten enterprise ' s reaction to marketing , make convenient for information communication and producers will free from motiveless manufacture . along with wild employment of electronic business , producers can utilize internet to put out newly products , do business and intercommunication 織物仿真技術的應用不僅可以提高紡織產品的設計效率,將設計人員從繁雜的勞動中解放出來、使之能夠將更多的時間和精力投入到產品構思及開發中去,而且由于不必實際生產出樣品就能夠得到具有真實感的設計效果圖,生產周期大大縮短,產品開發成本大幅降低;同時加快了企業對市場的反應速度,企業、供求之間的信息交流更加便捷、高效,消除了生產過程中的盲目性,增加了企業的競爭力。