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motive power [force] 動力〔電、汽力等〕;〔集合詞〕機車,拖拉...


The effective combination of intellect and capital springs up venture enterprises quickly . venture capital is the motive power of society and economy in the time 智本與資本的不斷的有機結合加速了風險企業的興起和發展,風險投資正在成為21世紀社會經濟發展的主要動力。

Railway rolling stock . “ extreme pressure “ oils for mechanical transmissions of motive power units . part 3 : high thermal stability oil . endurance test method on fixed post machine 鐵路車輛.原動力機械傳輸用耐“極端壓力“油.第3部分:高熱穩定性油.固定柱機械的耐久性試驗

Innovation is the soul of a nation “ s progress of a nation and an inexhaustible motive power for the prosperity , sustainable development is also a source of business 創新是一個民族進步的靈魂,是一個國家興旺發達的不竭動力,也是一個企業可持續發展的源泉。

However , the increasingly maturation of some technologies like gps “ application for civil use has given new motive power to mtms ' s research and application 但gps定位等技術在民用方面的應用日益成熟,為移動目標監控系統的研究與應用注入了新的動力。

So in the course of computer , teachers should arouse this motivation and internal motive power of self ? improvement , in order to improve the effect of teaching 在計算機在教學過程中,充分激發學生的認識內驅力和自我提高內驅力,可以提高教學效果。

Railway rolling stock . huiles “ extreme pressure “ oils for mechanical transmissions of motive power units . part 2 : high thermal stability oil . general instructions 鐵路車輛.原動力裝置機械傳輸用huiles耐“極端壓力“油.第2部分:高壓穩定油.一般說明

In this sense , it is theoretical valuable for the motive power mechanisms and adjustment of accelerating development of daily urban system periphery 從這個意義上說,對于都市圈外圍區加速發展的動力機制及調控研究,也具有一定的理論價值。

Moral education aims at promoting students ' moral development , while moral conflict is an inevitable part and inner motive power of the development 摘要道德教育的目的是促進學生的道德發展,而道德沖突是學生道德發展的必經環節和內部動力。

The forming and fostering of this quality include the knowledge reserve the ability foster the psychology quality and the motive power 創業素質的形成和培養主要包括創業知識儲備、創業能力培養、創業心理素質、創業沖動和動力。

Part three elucidates motive power mechanisms of economic accelerating development in beibei district , which is one of the keys of the whole study 第四部分闡述北鹼區經濟加速發展的主要約束條件,這是全篇研究的現實依據。

Universal decimal classification - english full edition - machine elements - motive power engineering - materials handling - fixings - lubrication 國際十進分類法.英文版.機械零件.機械動力傳遞.材料搬運.緊固件.潤滑

Abstract : the college students ' motivation consists of two parts : internal motive power of learning and internal motive power of self ? improvement 摘要:大學生學習動機的有效成份主要是認知內驅力和自我提高內驅力。

Capital , the lifeblood of an enterprise , is the foremost motive power and the sustained driving force for the economic activities of the enterprise 資本是企業的血脈,是企業經濟活動的原動力和持續推動力。

Human resources development is the motive power of western area development , and its first priority importance is emphasized 人力資源開發是西部大開發的原動力,強調人力資源是西部經濟發展中的第一性資源。

Railway rolling stock . oils at “ extreme pressure “ for the mechanical transmissions of motive power units . part 1 : mineral oils 鐵路車輛.原動力裝置的機械運輸用的耐“極端高壓力“油.第1部分:礦物油

On establishing a first - class university with discplines building as leading objective and teachers cultivation as main motive power 以學科建設為龍頭以師資建設為核心創辦國內一流國際知名的大學

Operating mechanisms of university are the motive power that can make amalgamating university smoothly operate and develop 高校運行機制是合并高校能夠順利運行與發展的動力所在。

For human beings , “ inheriting “ is the base to advance forward ; “ creation “ is the motive power of society development “繼承”是人類前進的基礎, “創造”是社會發展的動力。

The improvement and application of motive power carrier of mine in electronic haulage shearer with frequency conversion 礦用動力載波在交流變頻電牽引采煤機上的改進與應用