
motive adj.引起運動的,發動的,運動的;成為(行動的)動機的...

motive power

I had never been able to talk to others, and i had to guess at their meanings and motives . 我從來都不能同別人談話,而只能去猜他們的意思和動機。

The same motives which lead men to marry late also lead them to limit their families . 就是那些引導人延遲結婚的動機,也引導人們限制他們的生育。

Chief among these motives was the overwhelming idea of the great whale himself . 在這些動機中,首先是那條大鯨,叫人一想起就沒法按捺得下自己。

Her winter in italy also formed the motive of some of her most delightful thoughts . 她在意大利度過的那個冬季也成為她最快慰的思想的策源地。

At the prospect of losing his great motive ralph lost indeed his one inspiration . 現在眼看這偉大的動力就要失去,拉爾夫確實感到心灰意懶。

Prompted by some obscure motive he would lure his victims into this room . 在某種模糊的動機的促使下,他把他的受害者們引誘到這間屋里。

He professed to be puzzled about such base suspicions of soviet motives . 他對我們竟然對蘇聯的動機有這樣不好的懷疑佯裝迷惑不解。

Whatever my motives may have been at the time, in any case, i liked the idea of resign . 不論我當時的動機是什么,反正我想引退。

Human motives are based on needs, whether consciously or subconsciously felt . 無論是有意識或潛意識,人們的動機的基礎在于需要。

It is impossible to give a satisfactory explanation for a potholer's motives . 對于洞穴勘探家的動機,不可能作出令人滿意的解釋。

She had the slightest inkling of her husband's motive in obtaining this ticket . 對她丈夫取得這張票的動機,她一無所知。

I put it to you that you are the only person who had a motive for the crime . 我讓你明白你是唯一具有犯罪動機的人。

In this period i made another error, even though from a good motive . 在那時,我另外做了一件錯事,雖然動機是好的。

It is probably a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of life-saving . 相信海豚具有救生的動機可能是錯誤的。

She tried to find in it a motive sufficient for their silence . 她力圖在其中找到一個有利的緣由來解釋他們的沉默。

Their proposals are all worthless and designed out of sinister motives . 他們的建議不僅一錢不值,而且包藏禍心。

It carried naked truth about his motives into indecency . 這里面暴露了他的赤裸裸的動機,竟達到有失體統的地步。

See if you can distinguish a just motive for this prosecution . 請看一看,你們是否看得出控訴人的正義動機。

Man's conduct is usually determined by quite different motives . 人的行為常常是由于許多不同的動機決定的。