
motivate vt.給與動機,促動,激發,誘導。n.-vator


Motivate and withstand higher working pressure 個性積極,愿意承受壓力.敢于克服困難

What motivates you in accomplishing difficult tasks 是什么激勵你克服困難并取得成功

Able to manage , train and motivate the team 有管理、培訓、激勵團隊及組織活動的能力。

Do you feel motivated in your current job 目前工作中最激發你熱情的是什么?

Highly motivated and achievement orientated 較高的主動性和完成任務的精神。

What are the characteristics of motivated staff 獲得激勵的員工有什么特點?

These races are motivated by more than just prestige 這些競賽的動機不僅僅是聲望。

How to motivate knowledge personnel in modern enterprises 現代企業如何激勵知識員工

“ what de - motivates or discourages you ? 有哪些因素可能會讓你失去動力或信心?

He was motivated by a desire to reach a compromise 他的動機是達成某種妥協。

Do warm down exercise afterwards . how can i stay motivated 我怎樣激發自己做運動?

We are seeking highly motivated and energetic individuals 我們誠邀優秀人才的加盟

What motivates you in a job and in your personal life 工作和生活中激勵你的是什么

Motivate individuals on the team to perform at their best 激勵團隊中個人的最好表現

Some people are motivated and some are not 有些員工可加以激勵,有些卻不然。

What motivates you to do this kind of work 問:是什么促使你想從事這類工作?

Consumers shall be motivated to buy such products 要推動消費者購買這類產品。

I think the grizzlies will be extremely motivated 我想灰熊會非常想贏這場比賽的。

Five strategies motivate changzhou pioneering center 五大戰略助推常州創業中心