
motility n.【生物學】運動力,自動力;機動性;【化學】游動(現象...


Role of plasma motilin and calcitonin gene - related peptide on gastric motility abnormalities in patients with liver cirrhosis 肝硬化患者血漿胃動素和降鈣素基因相關肽與胃動力異常的臨床研究

Relationships among autonomic nervous function , reflux symptoms and esophageal motility in patients with gastro - esophageal reflux disease 患者自主神經功能與反流癥狀及食管動力的關系

Effects of highly selective vagotomy and antroseromuscular layer - pylorus preserved hemigastrectomy on motility of gastric stump 高選迷切加保留胃竇部漿肌層半胃切除對胃運動功能的影響

Median testicular volume was lower bilaterally in patients than controls , as were median sperm count and motility 患者雙側睪丸體積的中位數低于對照組,精子數目和活動力亦如是。

Effects of yiqi kaimi recipe on gastrointestinal motility and neuropeptides in rats with colonic slow transit constipation 益氣開秘方對結腸慢輸型便秘大鼠腸動力和腸神經肽的影響

Uses : this medication slows the activity of the digestive system , thereby reducing cramping and gastric motility 用法:本藥減慢消化系統的活性,因而減弱痛性痙攣和胃蠕動。

A contrast diagram was suggested and evidences for possible variation of motility presented and discussed 本篇擬具對照圖以供參考采用,并提供若干可能引起動作變化的建議。

A study on esophageal motility in elderly patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and sliding hiatal hernia 老年胃食管反流病伴滑動性食管裂孔疝患者食管運動功能測定

Effects of natural and induced ovarian activity and certain drugs were studied on rat uterine and ileal motility 摘要自然和模仿的卵巢內分泌影響大白鼠子宮和?腸的動作。

Effects of needling the points of foot - yangming channel on the gastric motility and the role of sp in rats 中樞外源性胃動素對大鼠腦干胃相關神經元電活動及胃運動的影響

Effects on acute toxicity and gastrointestinal motility between various honey - stir - baked and crude radix polygalae 遠志及其不同蜜炙品的急性毒性及其對胃腸運動的影響

Effects of serum containing bushen - huoxue fang on motility of the sperm from patients with asthenospermia 補腎活血方含藥血清對弱精子癥精子運動能力的影響

The effect of rorlax on anorectal motility and therapy in patients with chronic functional constipation 福松對慢性功能性便秘肛門直腸運動的作用及療效觀察

Clinical study on effect of acupuncture on gastrointestinal motility in the patient of functional dyspepsia 針刺對功能性消化不良胃腸動力影響的臨床研究

Therapeutic effect of softing liver formula on obstacle of gastric motility in patients with cirrhosis 軟肝方治療肝硬化患者胃動力障礙的療效觀察

Electrical bio - impedance method : a noninvasive measurement and evaluation technique of gastric motility function 以阻抗法實現胃運動功能的測量

Effect of injecting 5 - ht , substance p into nrm on the rabbits ' gastric motility and gastric myoelectric activity 物質等對家兔胃運動胃電的影響

Effect and mechanisms of dopamine in orbitofrontal cortex on the regulation of gastric motility 眶額葉區多巴胺對胃運動的影響及其機制研究

Changes of gastric motility , gastric myoelectric activity and nos in exper imental diabetic rats 肝炎后肝硬化胃動力改變及胃動素檢測意義