
motile adj.【生物學】有自動力的,能動的。n.【心理學】運動...


Rule of law as an instrumental running mode can be forcefully pushed by the government , but as a value object , it is a motile choice process of the social subject , an entia of objective in - evitability and people “ s self - demand of the aim of their activities , and an entia of realism and idealism , and an entia of the intrinsic value object and extrinsic va 法治作為一種工具性的治國模式是可以通過政府來強行推行的,但作為一種價值目標,同時又是社會主體能動的選擇過程,是客觀必然性與人們自身需要或活動目的的統一;是現實性和理想性的統一;是法治的內在價值目標和法治的外在價值目標的統一。

More importantly , the nature of technologies is shifting from analog to digital , semiconductor to micro processor , wired and fixed to wireless and movable , proprietary to open systems and from separate transmission voice “ dada ” , text and image to interactive motile media 更重要的是是,技術的本質是將模擬技術轉變為數字技術,將半導體轉變為微處理器,將有線電信和固定電信轉變為無線電信和移動電信,將專有系統轉變為開放系統,將互為獨立的聲音、資料、文字和圖像傳播方式轉變為交互式的多媒體方式。

At the same time , as the most motile essential factors of production , human capital determines enterprises “ rise and fall . in addition , because human capital is absolutely private , it is difficult to control it and to price it precisely on quality and quantity 而人力資本作為企業中最具能動性的生產要素,決定著企業的興衰存亡,且具有絕對私有性而難易被搶占,并難以從質和量上準確定價。

New economy is one kind of the knowledge economy , characterized as networking , globalizing , high - risking and motile . persons do not care about it when it first presented at the middle and later period of the 1950s 新經濟是網絡化、全球化、高風險、能動的知識經濟,最早出現于20世紀50年代中后期,但在它誕生的初期并沒有引起人們的足夠重視。

The main function of catabolic reactions is to provide energy , which is stored as atp , for use in the synthesis of new structures , cell - to - cell signaling , or the movement of motile cells 分解反應的主要功能是提供能量,這種能量儲存在atp中,可以用來合成新的結構,細胞間的信號傳遞,細胞的運動等。

These motile spores may encyst in adverse conditions or may be the means by which a fungus or parasitic protoctist penetrates a new host 在不利環境中,游動孢子被包在囊內,當真菌或寄生的原核細胞穿透新寄主時游動孢子被釋放出來。

For instance , motile aerobic bacteria are positively aerotactic , whereas motile obigate anaerobic bacteria are negatively aerotactic 例如能動的需氧細菌表現出正的趨氧性,然而能動的厭氧細菌則表現出負的趨氧性。

The short - spined , motile toxopneustids ( e . g . , lytechinus variegatus ) have a delicate test , which limits them to areas with low wave impact 肛門在身體的上方,有些品種會有一個半透明球狀的排泄殖腔。

The long - spined , large , motile diadematids ( e . g . , diadema antillarum ) are found in coral , seagrass , and mangrove habitats 海膽大多以海藻為食,但也有以附著動物,如海綿、苔蘚動物及海鞘等為食的。

The relation between them is material decides the consciousness , and the consciousness has a motile reaction to the material 物質和意識的關系是:物質決定意識,意識對物質具有能動的反作用!

Motile organisms may also be negatively chemotactic , swimming away from concentrations of toxic chemicals 可以游動的生物體也有負向的趨化現象,總是遠離有害的化學物質。

Cycads and ginkgo have motile sperm , unlike gnetophytes and conifers , which produce pollen 蘇鐵和銀杏具活動精子可區別于買麻藤和松柏類,它們不產生花粉。

After a period of three years , the agency contract may be cancelled at any time without prior motile 三年期滿后本代理合同可隨時取消而不予事先通知。

Motile phagocytic cell 游走噬細胞

The application of motile training in tennis teaching in colleges and universities 運動表象訓練在普通高校網球選項教學中的應用

Many protoctistans are motile , using pseudopodia , cilia or flagella 許多原生動物利用偽足、纖毛或鞭毛能運動。

On the selective machanism of human motile reflection 論人類能動反映的選擇機制