
motif n.〔法語〕(藝術作品的)主題,要點,特色;動機,主旨;...


As an alternative to the motif tool kit , which at that time was not free ) ,作為motif工具包的替代,后者在那個時候不是免費的。

The yi nationality ' s god of mountain : the motif of sacrifice offering from dry farming to rice farming 從旱作到稻作的祭祀主題

They are of different motifs and separated by a rock fracture 70cm wide 該石刻分左右兩部分,石刻由一條闊七十厘米的石縫分隔。

For instance , the ending snapshot is a very important motif of the film 描寫兩對士兵建交的情節寫得十分有趣幽默,很有人情味。

Black calfskin purse with a motif evoking the facets of swarovski cut crystal 牛犢黑色錢包圖案招來層面削減施華洛世奇水晶。

The motif that the family decline when tts treasure lost and its source in ming - qing novels 明清小說中的寶失家敗母題及淵源

Rich red gown heavily embroidered with peony motif in platinum features a fluted hemline 紅色婚紗是以鉑金線繡出牡丹圖案。

Belt plaque with deer motif 鹿紋帶板

A tradition carried on today with floral motifs and natural scenery 一種持續到今天的傳統就是描述植物和大自然風景的主題。

Tess : a literary image reflecting the disillusionment motif of thomas hardy ' s novel 一個最能體現哈代幻滅主題的人物形象

Application of compass in drawing with evidence from motifs on han bronze mirror 從漢代銅鏡紋飾看圓規在制圖中的應用

However , a zoomorphic motif is still visible when examined closely and carefully 如仔細觀察,仍依稀可見獸形紋樣。

They were also displayed in the geometric patterns used in many temple motifs 很多廟宇的圖形也展示出幾何圖案。

Gps geometrical product specification - surface texture : profile method - motif parameters 產品幾何量技術規范

You may also choose either the motif or gtk - style window system 您還可以選擇motif或gtk風格的窗口系統。

And those complex networks are composed of some simple motifs 而復雜網絡都由一些簡單的基本子圖構成。

This opera contains a love motif 這出歌劇有個愛情主題。

Reliablity and validity are eternal motif of language testing 摘要信度與效度是語言測試永恒的主題。

A study of wallace stevens ' poetic motif 史蒂文斯的詩歌主題