
motherly adj.母親(似)的,母愛的,慈愛的。


Because of your protection , we have grown from a feminine young sprout to a big tree . now , , we have grown up , , and you have more white hair . you have no requirement , no earful ; in your kindly sight , i know , that is the great love in the world - motherly love . today is women ' s day , , please let me sent my best wishes to you , my dear mother . i love you forever 在你的呵護成長中,我們由一棵柔弱的幼苗成長為一顆大樹;如今,我們長大了,而您卻添了許多白發,您卻毫無所求,毫無怨言;在你慈祥的目光中,我讀懂了,這就是世間最偉大的親情-母愛.今天是婦女節,請讓我在節日送上節日的祝福.永遠愛你,我的母親

She tasted each dish and said that there was a great variety in the food and that it was very nutritious . she was so motherly . fellow initiates were happy to be with her and enjoyed the delicious food and her infinite love 師父親自品嘗每一道菜,并稱贊飯菜原料全營養豐富,師父像母親一樣慈愛地關懷著大家,徒兒們則幸福地依偎在師父媽媽的身旁,一邊享用著可口的飯菜,一邊享受著師父無邊無際的愛心關懷,好一幅溫馨甜蜜的家庭歡樂場面。

Women can also support men and they can take leading part , of course , in any position but , it is very important that they should not forget that they are women who have to manifest deep motherly concern and love 婦女可以扶持男性,甚至可以在各方面擔當領導的地位。但十分重要的是,婦女不可忘記她要顯示出深厚母性的愛與關懷,若她們把自己當作男性,野心勃勃,這樣整個社會便不能維持平衡。

Fauchery , at sight of that respectable mme hugon , that motherly face lit up with such a kindly smile beneath its broad tresses of white hair , thought how foolish he had been to suspect the countess sabine even for an instant 福什利看見令人尊敬的于貢太太坐在那里,她兩鬢染霜,慈祥的臉上浮現著和善的微笑,覺得自己剛才懷疑薩比娜伯爵夫人的行為不端未免可笑了。

Side , and so was well adapted to call up serious reflections , suited to their respective employments , in both minister and man of physic . the motherly care of the good widow assigned to mr . dimmesdale a front 那好心腸的寡婦,以慈母般的關懷,分配丁梅斯代爾先生住在前室,那里有充分的陽光,還有厚實的窗簾,如果愿意的話,中午也可把房間遮得十分幽暗。

After receiving her instruction , motherly love , we happily prepared sweets , jellies , biscuits , fruit , moon cakes , and toys for the children who would come to the mid - autumn festival . many new initiates took part in packing the gifts 收到師父的指示后,我們高興地準備各式糖果餅乾水果月餅和小孩的玩具,很多新同修也都一起來幫忙打包成袋。

But hes did not disappoint her . with the passage of time , hes granted her three more sons and two more daughters so that she could make use of her motherly love to take care of more children 不過上帝并沒有讓她失望,隨著時間過去, ?又給了她三個男孩跟二個女孩,讓她能夠發揮母愛,照顧更多的小孩。

The elders , the deacons , the motherly dames , and the young and fair maidens , of mr . dimmesdale s flock , were alike importunate that he should make trial of the physician s frankly 丁梅斯代爾先生教團中的長老執事修女,以及年輕貌美的少女們都眾口一詞地再三要求他對醫生自告奮勇的治療不妨一試。

Pray without partiality for all obstacles to be pacified for america and iraq , for whatever friends and enemies we may have , and for ourselves , and all motherly sentient beings 為我等的冤親債主,為我們自己,為一切如母有情,讓我們無偏地祈禱,愿美國與伊拉克的所有障礙盡皆消除。

No matter today or tomorrow , sunrise or sunset , spring ivy is forever green and sunflowers always faces the sun , your motherly love forever lingers in the deepest recess of my heart 孺慕之情依然在我心深處縈繞著,似春藤長綠,有如葵花向日一般,任今朝明朝日旭日暮。

In my opinion , this movie had amply represented the effect of motherly and fatherly love on human , and it informed the world that there are still pure hearts and souls around 我認為這部電影充分展現了母愛與父愛對人的影響,以及告訴我們世界上仍然有純潔的心靈。

Finally , after a superb performance of classical chinese music , our motherly master , whom fellow practitioners in formosa had missed for many years , arrived at the venue 在傳統國樂團的精彩表演之后,同修們期待多年想念多時的媽咪師父終于蒞臨會場啦!

She might not be a qualified educator , but through her motherly love and dedication , shuzhu genuinely touches these children ' s hearts 李淑珠雖然不是個專業的教育者,她卻用媽媽的愛與毅力,感動這些孩子的心。

A big , motherly looking woman invariably stood guard at the door during the entire operation and counted the admissible number 在整個布施期間,一個身材高大慈眉善目的女人總是守在門口,清點可以進去的人數。

Her motherly instinct told her that there was too much of something in natasha , and that it would prevent her being happy 她那母親的嗅覺對她說,不知道娜塔莎身上的什么東西顯得太多了,所以她將來不會幸福。

It s not human love , it s not motherly love , it s not brotherly love ; actually , it s all god s love , divided , minimized , or modified 事實上,所有的愛都是上帝的愛,只不過被分割被減少被改變了。

A careful review of my life indicated that she had been inculcating me , from birth , with her motherly advice 我對我的生命歷程進行了仔細的回顧,發覺從我誕生出生開始,我母親就對我諄諄勸導。

A careful review of my life indicated that she had been inculcating me , from birth , with her motherly advice 我對我的生命歷程進行了仔細的回顧,發現從我出生開始,我母親就對我諄諄勸導。

On the emotional level , mother of pearl helps those who need some motherly love , although they may not be aware of that need 到菲律賓的游客都喜歡購買些珍珠母制作的小飾物送人。