
motherland 母國,祖國。


Taiwan - a bright gem of the motherland 祖國胸前一顆璀璨奪目的寶石

We are proud of our great motherland 我們為偉大祖國而感到自豪。

He wrote poems in praise of our great socialist motherland 他寫詩歌頌我們偉大的社會主義祖國。

1 we are proud of our great socialist motherland 我們為(我們的)偉大社會主義祖國感到驕傲。

A still brighter future for our motherland lies ahead 祖國的更加美好的將來呈現在我們的面前。

We responded to the call of our motherland 我們響應了祖國的號召

He returned to his motherland that year , disguised as a merchant 那年他扮作商人回到了祖國。

That is an honor of our great motherland 這是我們偉大祖國的榮譽。

Our hearts are always towards our motherland 我們的心永遠向著祖國。

Won the liberation of the motherland at last 最后贏得了祖國的解放。

We love our great socialist motherland 我們熱愛偉大的社會主義祖國。

Mother : motherland , you are right my dearest mother 母親:祖國啊,你才是我最親愛的媽媽!

I worked hard to send you to the motherland 我在努力使你們能回到祖國

The overseas chinese are sick for their motherland 海外華僑懷念祖國

My motherland symphonic works by chan pui - fang 我的祖國陳培勛交響作品

Your future is bound up with the fate of your motherland 你的前途同祖國的命運緊密相聯。

Hong kong is forever a shinning pearl of our motherland 香港永遠是祖國的一顆璀璨明珠。

Everyone must be loyal to his motherland 每個人都應該忠于自己的祖國。

It ' s everybody ' s duty to make our motherland green 綠化祖國,人人有責。