
motherhood 母道,母親的義務;母性;母權。


Graf , who won 107 career singles titles , said juggling the demands of motherhood and her charity work made it difficult to establish a strict training regimen 曾獲得107個職業單打冠軍的格拉芙,說當母親和做慈善事業一起干時,使得很難進行所謂嚴格的訓練體系

Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance . all children , whether born in or out of wedlock , shall enjoy the same social protection 二、母親和兒童有權享受特別照顧和協助。一切兒童,無論婚生或非婚生,都應享受同樣的社會保護。

Graf , who won 107 career singles titles , said juggling the demands of motherhood and her charity work made it difficult to establish a strict training regimen 贏得了107個個人職業頭銜后,格拉夫忙于應付國家的任務和自己慈善事業,很難進行系統的訓練

In the mommy brain , american writer katherine ellison argues that motherhood can give a woman unexpected mental advantages 據英國“天空新聞網” 4月19日報道,美國作家凱瑟琳?艾里森女士認為,懷孕會帶給女人意想不到的智力飛躍。

But she learned to fit in , and was able to manage both motherhood and her law career , all the while continuing to work on her political causes 但她學會融入其中,并且能夠身兼母親及律師的角色,同時還繼續追求她從政的目標。

They risk having their art licenses revoked if they violate “ technical standards and ethical principles , and assist in surrogate motherhood “ 如果他們在協助代孕媽媽的時候違反了技術標準和道德原則,那他們將被吊銷營業執照。

And hilton thinks she ' s highly qualified for motherhood , explaining : “ i look after animals , so i ' d have a lot to give my kids 希爾頓自恃很有資格做母親,她這樣解釋: “我會照顧小動物,所以,我同樣會照顧好我的孩子” 。

It says that any advantages women would get from marriage are “ strongly counter - balanced by the negative impact of motherhood . 但在研究人員表示男人可以從婚姻中受益的同時,也不得不承認婚姻是女人增加收入的“墳墓” 。

The japanese government and industry are now taking steps to encourage women to embrace motherhood while maintaining their careers 日本的政府和產業界正在采取措施,鼓勵婦女在堅持自己事業的同時也熱衷于母性。

Motherhood is not for the fainthearted . frogs , skinned knees and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy 軟弱的人不能做母親:她們受不了青蛙,受不了擦破的膝蓋,也受不了十幾歲女孩的無禮。

Pregnancy and motherhood have long been known to bring about changes ? many of them positive ? to the female brain 長期以來人們都認識到懷孕和成為母親/母性行為會令女性的大腦發生變化,其中許多為積極的變化。

Paris hilton has put her plans for motherhood on the fast track after spending time as “ auntie “ to pal britney spears ' kids 作為布蘭妮孩子的“阿姨” ,希爾頓和小家伙們相處一段時間之后打算盡快做媽媽。

Pregnancy and motherhood have long been known to bring about changes ? many of them positive ? to the female brain 長期以來人們都認識到懷孕和成為母親會令女性的大腦發生變化,其中許多為積極的變化。

Craig howard kinsley has spent more than a decade investigating the effects of pregnancy and motherhood on the female brain 金斯利花了10年以上,研究懷孕及育兒對雌性哺乳動物腦部的影響。

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful thing in our lives , it ' s a self - sacrificing behavour , even overwhelms morality 人生最美的東西之一就是母愛,這是無私的愛,道德與之相形見拙。

In the mommy brain , american writer katherine ellison argues that motherhood can give a woman unexpected mental advantages 有一種說法認為,懷孕會讓女人注意力不集中甚至大腦遲鈍。

A young , unmarried woman may be totally unprepared , unfit , or unwilling to assume the responsibilities of motherhood 年少、未婚女子可能到底就無準備、不適宜或不愿意承擔為母之道。

The london conference was held on the 20th anniversary of the lauch launch of the safe motherhood initiative in kenya 在倫敦正在召開紀念在肯尼亞舉行的保護母親行動的20周年會議。

The london conference was held on the 20th anniversary of the launch of the safe motherhood initiative in kenya 在倡導《安全孕產倡議》的20周年紀念日之際,倫敦會議在肯尼亞舉行。