
mother n.1.母,母親;〔常無冠詞,M-〕(家人間稱謂時)媽媽...

mother cell

The child pestered his mother for money . 孩子蘑菇著向母親要錢。

She had encouraged her mother in her idleness . 她曾經慫恿母親懶散怠惰。

Lady jane yielded up everything to her mother . 簡夫人什么都讓母親作主。

Julia's mother says he's unbalanced . 朱麗雅的媽媽說他精神紊亂。

Jack's mother was a good-tempered woman . 杰克的母親是個脾氣隨和的女人。

She dashed off a letter to her mother . 她給母親匆匆寫了一封信。

She gave her mother an affectionate hug . 她緊緊擁抱著她的母親。

At six feet , he towers over his mother . 他身高六英尺,比他母親高得多。

Mother was much perturbed by my illness . 我的病使母親甚感煩惱。

Mother picked off the dead heads of the flowers . 母親摘除了枯死的花穗。

He likes being mothered by his landlady . 他喜歡女房東無微不至地照顧他。

She is about as tall as her mother now . 她都趕上她媽媽的個子了。

Her mother encouraged and applauded it . 她的母親鼓勵它,贊美它。

Poverty, we know, is the mother of crime . 我們知道,貧窮是犯罪的根源。

My mother says that writing is a good crutch . 我媽說,搞寫作不無小補。

Her mother put on a deprecating look . 她母親露出不贊成的神氣來。

Female water buffaloes are excellent mothers . 母水牛是非常稱職的母親。

The child was caressed by his mother with her hand . 母親用手撫慰孩子。

Hamlet was disillusioned in his mother . 哈姆雷特對他母親的幻想破滅了。