
moth n.1.蛾。2.〔集合詞, sing., pl.〕 蛀蟲...


Rules for investigation and forecast of soybean moth leguminivora glycinivorella 大豆食心蟲測報調查規范

Then he looked about upon a dingy , moth - eaten hotel lobby 這時他朝這個陰暗破爛的旅館門廳四周看了看。

The moth was trying to leave the room through the closed window 蛾試圖通過被關上的窗子離開房間。

This piece of cloth was eaten by a moth 這塊布被蠹蟲蛀壞了。

You re not turning your head to look after more moths , are you 你沒有回頭去看還有沒有飛蛾吧?

The moths are flying around the light poles 蛾子繞著路燈柱飛舞。

The house was completed five moths ago 這座房子是5個月前竣工的。

Look at these moths : here ' s a beauty 請看這些蛾子:這是一個珍品

Casanova : be the flame - not the moth 要做火焰,而不是撲火的飛蛾。

Which is it , is it the moth or the butterfly 哪一種?飛蛾還是蝴蝶

A moth was fluttering round the lamp 有一只蛾子撲打著翅膀繞著燈飛

The moths have eaten holes in my coat 蛀蟲將我的外套蛀了一些小洞。

Moths abuse sweet golden thread , to hear laughter floats 蛾兒雪柳黃金縷,笑語盈盈暗香去。

You see i was a moth crushed on the wheel 你們明白我就像飛蛾撞上輪子

Caterpillars change into butterflies or moths 毛蟲能變成蝴蝶或蛾子

The moths in houhe national nature reserve 湖北省五峰后河國家級自然保護區蛾類昆蟲調查初報

Caterpillars change into butterflies or moths 毛蟲會變成蝴蝶或飛蛾。

Why is the moth so eager to burn in the candle ' s hell 為什么那只飛蛾定要撲進燭火的懷抱?

One time , this big moth almost flew into my mouth 有一次,一只很大的蛾子幾乎飛進我的嘴里