
motel n.〔美國〕(專為)自駕汽車游客(開設的)旅館〔有停車場...


Are there any budget motels in this town 這個小城里有廉價汽車旅館嗎

I was at a motel with a girl , so what 我和一個女孩開房間了,那又如何

You know where the seven palms motel is 你知道七掌汽車旅館在哪里嗎?

The motel has changed a lot from the old days 這旅館跟以前大不一樣了

Motel royal , motel pink . - were you listening -皇家旅館,紅粉佳人旅館. -你在聽我說嗎

You don ' t mind squeezing 20 people into one motel room 你不介意二十個人擠一間汽車旅房。

The travelers sat down in the motel near the beach 旅游者在海濱附近的汽車旅店住了下來。

There is a budget motel at the corner 拐彎處有一家收費公道的汽車旅館。

The motels vary in size and comfort 汽車旅館的大小和舒適程度各不相同。

[ li ne ri ngi ng ] sahara motel . hi , room 2 09 撒哈拉旅館嗨, 209號房

Who are all these people ? what happened at the motel 這些人是誰?汽車旅館發生了什么事

I ' ll just check into a motel like in the movies 我剛剛在一家汽車旅館登記,像電影里一樣

Does anyone know why this was in a motel room 有沒有人知道為什么這個會在汽車旅館里?

You ' re telling me you ' re here from the motel ' s parent company 你告訴我你是旅館工會派來

I just looked for the cheapest , scummiest motel 我只需要找最便宜、最差勁

Take her to a motel room and bang her like a beast 帶她去汽車旅館然后像野獸一樣的干她

Captains , first lieutenants and second lieutenants in motels 上尉,中尉和少尉住小旅店

The motel is dead ahead about a mile from here 那家汽車旅館就在前方大約一英里的地方。

I think i saw a motel 6 around here somewhere 我好像看到汽車旅館在這附近