
mote n.塵埃,塵屑;〔喻、古〕污點,瑕疵。 mote and...


The notes , which facilitates readers concerned in understanding the company more thoroughly , should include mote details such a the information of environment , of human and natural tenures consumption , and of the comprehensive evaluation by relevant organizations 因此,應細化會計報表附注內容,增加人力資源、自然資源消耗和環境信息等資料,引入相關部門對企業的綜合評價,使會計報表使用者能更全面地了解企業概貌。

Main products : the glasses for cars include sandwich glass , toughened glass and zone toughened glass , altogether mote than 1000 types ; the construction glassws include toughened glass , sandwich glass , hollow glass , bulled - proff glass and curved glass 汽車用玻璃有夾層玻璃、鈉化玻璃、區域鋼化玻璃三大類,一千多個品種;建筑用玻璃有鋼化玻璃、夾層玻璃、中空玻璃、防彈玻璃和彎弧玻璃。

Because of the limited power supply , limited ability of communications , limited computability and memory on the mote , it is always a research emphasis to design a more efficient and power saving protocol for wireless data transmission 由于傳感器節點具有電源能量有限、通信能力有限、計算和存儲能力有限的特點,因此設計更加高效和省電的無線傳輸協議一直是這一領域研究的重點。

A rule of thumb in designing motes and their networking protocols for long - lived applications is that each device should sleep 99 percent of the time and do its energy - consuming work in the remaining 1 percent 如果想設計適合長效應用的塵粒,以及塵粒網絡的通訊協定,需要遵循的基本法則是:必須讓所有器材在99 %的時間當中保持睡眠狀態,只利用剩下來1 %的時間,完成耗費能量的工作。

Smart dust is the name researchers have given to the idea of having handfuls of tiny , cheap sensors called motes that can be scattered around to measure all manner of things in the environment , from chemicals in the soil to scents in the air 智能灰塵是研究員對細微、廉價的傳感器微粒的稱呼,它們可以分散于周圍環境測量各種形態的的物體,從土壤的化學成分到空氣的氣味。

Banking development can pro mote economic growth according to the higher marginal factor productivity and the externality , meanwhile the feedback effect of economic growth on banking development is also significant 其中,銀行發展促進經濟增長主要通過銀行部門效率提高以及銀行部門對實際部門外部效應兩條途徑實現;同時,經濟增長對銀行發展也有反向帶動作用。

These characteristics seem to be antagonistic to the return of maternal home in pre - oedipus phase , but actually , they share the essential similarity with western ideas and show mote local chinese specialty 表面看來,這一特征與西方女性主義回歸前俄狄浦斯階段的母性家園的精神指向相對立,從本質上說卻與它殊途同歸,并更具中國本土特色。

When a deployment involves hundreds of motes , it is not practical to set up such multihop networks by configuring each device individually , as is done in a typical office or cellular network 一般的辦公室或行動電話網絡,必須個別為每個裝備設定組態,但如果整個建置中使用了數百顆塵粒,想利用相同的方式架設這種多階網絡,就不可行了。

Professor davis is native to buffalo , new york u . s . a . , and earned the ph . d . from princeton universitys east asian studies department , where he worked with the late james t . c . liu and frederick w . mote 戴仁柱教授生于美國紐約州水牛城,并于普林斯頓大學東亞研究所考獲博士學位,其時,劉子健教授及牟復禮教授均于該大學任教。

Shouts from the open window startling evening in the quadrangle . a deaf gardener , aproned , masked with matthew arnold s face , pushes his mower on the sombre lawn watching narrowly the dancing motes of grasshalms 耳聾的花匠系著圍裙,有著一張像煞馬修阿諾德33的臉,沿著幽幽的草坪推著割草機,仔細地盯著草莖屑末的飛舞。

The technology of wireless communications is one of the most important parts of wireless sensor networks ( wsn ) . wireless communications are the foundation to realize data transmission between the motes of wsns 無線通信技術是傳感器網絡的一個非常重要的組成部分,實現傳感器網絡節點之間的數據傳輸,無線通信是基礎。

Miners can mine rock elementals and there ' s a chance at motes of fire or earth from mining deposits . otherwise , nothing new beyond the expected advancements 礦工可以從礦石元素怪身上挖到礦石并且有一定幾率獲得大地或是火焰塵埃。 (宅男的愛:怎么看怎么像硬甲皮和硬甲毛皮的關系啊… … )然則,并沒有什么期待的提高。

A heat - sensitive circuit could take readings once a minute and trigger a camera or other power - hungry sensors on the mote to start recording whenever the burrow warms rapidly 我們可以讓熱感應電路每隔一分鐘讀取一次讀數,只要洞穴內快速變暖,就啟動塵粒內的照相機或其他較為耗電的感測器,開始進行記錄。

It had never been a good eye to see with - had long had the mote in it of lucifer s pride , sardanapalus s luxury , and a mole s blindness - but it had dropped out and was gone 明燈從來不可信,不能靠他們照亮問題。他們有毛病,有路西福的驕傲,薩丹納帕拉斯的奢侈和鼴鼠的盲目可是他們已經落伍了,消失了。

Chinese people have been exploring constitutionalism for mote than one hundred years . while the exploration of socialist constitutionalism originated from early marxist constitutional thought 中國人對憲政的探索已經有一百多年的歷史,而對社會主義憲政的探索則起源于早期馬克思主義者的憲政思想。

September 15th is maryland university day in peking university , president of maryland university clayton daniel mote jr made a speech at ying jie communication center that afternoon 9月15日是北京大學的馬里蘭大學日。當天下午三點,馬里蘭大學的校長莫特教授在英杰交流中心陽光大廳發表了演講。

For many applications of perceptive networks ? monitoring equipment , raw materials , and products in a factory or on a farm , for example ? the arrangement of motes will be constantly changing 在感知網絡的多種應用當中,比如對工廠或農場里的器材、原料及產品進行監測時,塵粒的配置可能經常變動。

Telekinesis is the most obvious use of the power , but even powers such as matter agitation and concussion involve the movement and rearrangement of very tiny motes of reality “心靈遙控”是這種能力最明顯的效用,但即使是“物質激灼”和“沖擊波”也包括了實體微粒的移動和重排。

That is why motes spend about 99 percent of their lives “ sleeping ” in a standby mode that drops the power consumption to a few millionths of a watt 因此,塵粒99 %的生命必須處于睡眠狀況,也就是待機模式,才能把耗電率壓低到百萬分之幾瓦特。