
mot n.〔法語〕 (pl. mots ) 警句,妙語。 bo...


Mot . n must quickly name a successor and map out a clear strategy following the surprise exit of its chairman friday or the expected boost in the company ' s stock price this week could be short - lived , analysts and investors said 摩托羅拉公司肯定會在周五之前任命一位新的老總并且出臺的策略,而本周該公司的股票也肯定會大跌。

If the lasers and the chip are oriented in the right way , the reflected beams can replace the blocked ones , and the mot works again , producing a cloud of cold atoms right above the chip surface 如果雷射和晶片擺的方位正確,反射光束就可以取代被遮掉的光束,使得mot依舊行得通,而可以在晶片表面正上方制造出冷原子云。

Coincidentally , more than 100 pieces of shuyi texts were preserved in the sealed cave which was discovered in 1900 , most of them were mot memorized in those literature handed down from ancient times 史籍記錄的五代以前的書儀已基本失傳, 1900年發現的敦煌石室遺書中保存了一百馀件書儀寫本,許多未見于傳世文獻。

The 3 . panzergrenadier - division was formed in june of 1943 from the 386 . infanterie - division ( mot ) and the 3 . infanterie - division ( mot ) that was lost in the stalingrad pocket 第3裝甲擲彈兵師是與1943年6月由第386摩托化步兵師和在斯大林戰役中基本覆滅的第3摩托化步兵師合并組建的。

Transformation of metal from slug shape to tube shape by the impact extrusion process does mot involve any assembly of parts in the fabrication of collapsible tubes 在制作(裝)膏狀物小(金屬)管過程中,將條狀(或是塊狀)的金屬通過冷擠壓轉化為管狀的工序并不包含任何零件的裝配。

In this paper , we will introduce an accurate and stable method which bases on mot to solve dielectric objects and metal - nonmetal composite objects 在本文文章中,介紹了一種基于時間步進法求解介質目標、金屬非金屬組合目標時域積分方程的精確,穩定的方法。

Motorola , inc . nyse : mot is a global leader in wireless , automotive and broadband communications . sales in 2002 were 27 . 3 billion 摩托羅拉公司motorola , inc . ,紐約交易所: mot為全球流動汽車及寬頻通訊領域之領導者,于二零零二年之銷售額達2 7 3億美元。

Ten of the arrested persons were subsequently charged with triad related offences including claiming to be a member of a triad society ( mots ) and acting as a mots 其中十名被捕男子其后被落案控以自稱三合會成員及以三合會社團成員身份行事的罪名。

In october 2003 , proview established a strategic alliance with motorola , inc . nyse : mot to connect the home with a new line of display solutions 唯冠于二零零三年十月與摩托羅拉nyse : mot建立戰略聯盟,推出一系列嶄新顯示器產品,連結智慧家庭。

One of them mots that do be in the packets of fags stoer smokes that his old fellow welted hell out of him for one time he found out 斯托爾抽的紙煙盒子上就印著這號娘兒們。有一回他正抽著,給他老爹撞見了,狠狠地揍了他一頓

Such bon - mots are ever enticing to those who have all their days longed for such material surroundings and have never had them gratified 對于那些終日渴望著這樣的物質環境但卻永遠得不到滿足的人,這種輕松戲劇始終具有魅力。

“ we now have new phone models for every segment in all markets , “ allen burnes , motorola ' s mot . n : quote , profile , research 公司負責歐洲中東和非洲的市場營銷和銷售負責人allen burnes稱,公司現已有市場細分的所有類型產品。

A conception of phase dynamic coupling is defined . the foc of the mot - radiated line spectrum signals is theoretically derived 在研究中,定義了相位動態耦合的概念,推導了水下運動目標輻射線譜信號的四階累積量表征公式。

Museum of contemporary art , tokyo ( mot ) has been introducing the new japanese art since 1999 through group exhibitions every year 在東京都現代美術館,從1999年開始,每年都將通過集體展出介紹日本最新的美術成果。

Convey belts of different types , different specifications and different number of layers are mot allowed to be connected with each other 不同型號、不同規格、不同膠布層數的輸送膠帶不可以相互串接起來使用。

Personally speaking , a person must care much for his personality , because it ' s mot only a personal problem but also a social one 就個人來講,他必須在乎自己的人格,因為這不但是個人問題而是社會問題。

Proview s global display solutions were further expanded through a recent strategic alliance with motorola , inc . nyse : mot 唯冠透過與摩托羅拉nyse : mot達成策略聯盟,進一步擴展全球資訊家電業務。

6 an algorithm of kurtosis signal - to - noise ratio ( ksnr ) based the mot - radiated noise polyspectrum feature extraction is presented 6提出了基于峰度信噪比的水下h標輻射噪聲的多譜特征提取算法。

The would be so embarrassed that women one saw them fall that they would mot try again 因為有人看到他們摔倒了,他們認為這很丟面子,就不再嘗試了;或者,因為摔倒了,他們就認定自己不是那塊料。