
mostly adv.大部分,多半;通常,主要地,基本上。 They ...


The vegetation is mostly coarse grass, only just good enough to nourish the few bony sheep . 這里所生長的植物大多是些粗劣的草木,僅僅能夠弄活那幾只瘦骨嶙峋的羊。

A sight buzz of conversation sprang up, mostly bitter and destructive criticism of cowperwood . 一陣嗡嗡的談話聲響了起來,大多是對柯帕烏的刻薄的、惡意的批評。

The responsibilities to be assumed for a breach of an economic contract are mostly economic responsibilities . 因違反經濟合同而必須承擔的責任大半是經濟責任。

The basement walls suffered some damage, mostly in the rear i.e., away from the explosion . 地下室的墻壁受到一定程度破壞,主要在背面,亦即背向爆炸的地方。

Thoreau's writing was always simple, gay or sharp in tone, though its meaning was mostly serious . 索洛的文章雖內容嚴肅但一向簡明扼要,格調輕快、鮮明。

carbon dioxide()in the air is mostly responsible for the “greenhouse effect“. 空氣中的二氧化碳()是造成“溫室效應”的主要的原因。

Recording units for resistance thermometers are mostly based upon the wheatstone bridge circuit . 電阻溫度計的記錄設備基本上是根據惠斯通電橋的電路。

It was full of people, mostly soldiers, sleeping or trying to sleep at the tables . 里面擠滿了人,大都是士兵,有的在餐桌上酣睡,有的正在準備睡覺。

The remaining portion of heat losses of the earth are mostly attributed to the cooling of the earth . 地球熱損耗的其余部分主要來自地球的冷卻作用。

Those within the administration who balked were mostly concerned about the domestic reaction . 政府內部那些畏縮不前的人多數是擔心國內的反應。

Fats are found in the blood mostly in the form of free fatty acids and triglycerides . 脂肪主要以游離脂肪酸和甘油三酸酯的形式存在于血液。

The fields were mostly patches laid on the serried landscape, between crevices and small streams . 農田大部分是地縫和小溪之間的條狀小塊。

The available work was mostly in the agricultural south and paid poorly . 可能獲得的工作大部分在南方農業區,而且只能得到少得可憐的工資。

In geothermics we have mostly to deal with boundaries between solids and air . 在地熱學中,我們不得不經常處理固體與空氣之間的邊界問題。

They had mostly gone to college during the intellectual ferment of thirties . 他們絕大多數都是在三十年代知識界沸騰時期進的高等學校。

For such systems in the literature the indication “ideal copolymerization“ is mostly used . 文獻中常用“理想共聚”來表示這類體系。

It depicted mostly sad feelings reflecting the difficult lives of american blacks . 它主要是用悲傷的基調來描繪黑人艱難困苦的生活。

The range of the spectrum in which heat is radiated mostly lies within the infrared portion . 輻射熱的光譜段大部分落在紅外區。

Most farmers are horrible at paperwork, mostly because they don't have time . 多數農民都害怕文字工作,主要是因為他們沒有時間。