
most adj.〔many, much 的最高級;比較級是 mo...


It is the most inoffensive of the three . 它是三種中性情最溫和的。

Mother is quite reasonable most of the time . 大多數時間母親頭腦清楚。

I am most awfully sorry to let you down . 叫您失望我感到非常抱歉。

The honey fungus is perhaps most damaging . 蜜環菌大概是破壞性最大的。

The scaling problem is the most challenging . 結垢是最復雜的問題。

The garden 's at its most beautiful in june . 花園在六月份最美麗。

This is probably the most outstanding example . 這大概是最出色的例子。

But it was the cold that was the most distressing . 但是最難熬的是冷。

I am most appreciative of your generosity . 我對你的慷慨感激之至。

I found the experience most educational . 我認為這一經歷極有教益。

Most old films were made in black and white . 多數舊電影片都是黑白的。

They had saved the most valuable things . 他們搶救了最寶貴的物件。

It is the working class that is most selfless ... 工人階級最大公無私。

He is the most opinionated man i know . 他是我所認識的最固執己見的人。

“ tell “ is the most generally used verb . “告訴”是用得最廣的動詞。

What knocks me most is his impudence . 最使我震驚的是他的厚顏無恥。

There were twenty people at the ( very ) most . 充其量不過20個人。

Most of the fighting is against myself . 這些斗爭主要是針對我自己的。

He did most of the actual drafting . 實際上大部分草案都是他執筆的。