
mossy adj.(mossier; -iest) 生了苔的;多苔...


As we advanced and left the track , we trod a soft turf , mossy fine and emerald green , minutely enamelled with a tiny white flower , and spangled with a star - like yellow blossom : the hills , meantime , shut us quite in ; for the glen , towards its head , wound to their very core 我們往前走著離開了小徑,踏上了一塊細如苔蘚青如綠寶石的柔軟草地,草地上精細地點綴著一種白色的小花,并閃耀著一種星星似的黃花。山巒包圍著我們,因為溪谷在靠近源頭的地方蜿蜒伸到了山巒之中。

In this paper the methods of chronically implanting microelectrodes , combined electrophysiology with behavioral learning in vivo , were used to study the effects of low frequency stimulation ( lfs ) of the dorsal norepinephrine bundle ( dneb ) on the learning - dependent long - term potentiation ( ld - ltp ) at the hippocampal mossy fiber synapses onto ca3 pyramidal neurons . paired - pulse technique at the intervals of 75 - ms , 150 - ms and 300 - ms was used as the test stimulation . the results showed as follows : 1 本實驗運用慢性微電極埋植技術和電生理學結合行為學的在體研究方法,以配對脈沖檢測(間隔分別為75ms , 150ms , 300ms )為檢測手段,探查了低頻( 1hz , 5hz )刺激去甲腎上腺素背束( dorsalnorepinephrinebundle , dneb )對大鼠苔蘚纖維- ca3 ( mf - ca3 )突觸上習得性長時程增強( learning - dependentlong - termpotentiation , ld - ltp )及動物行為習得的影響。

It was round , and a large divan completely encircled it . divan , walls , ceiling , floor , were all covered with magnificent skins as soft and downy as the richest carpets ; there were heavy - maned lion - skins from atlas , striped tiger - skins from bengal ; panther - skins from the cape , spotted beautifully , like those that appeared to dante ; bear - skins from siberia , fox - skins from norway , and so on ; and all these skins were strewn in profusion one on the other , so that it seemed like walking over the most mossy turf , or reclining on the most luxurious bed 房間是圓形的,靠墻釘著富麗堂皇的獸皮,踏上去象最貴重的地毯一樣柔軟其中有鬃毛蓬松的阿脫拉斯的獅子皮,條紋斑斕的孟加拉的老虎皮,西伯利亞的熊皮,挪威的狐皮這些獸皮都一張疊一張地鋪得厚厚的,走上去就象在青草最茂密的跑馬場上散步,或躺在最奢侈的床上一樣。

Or again , note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way , fanned by gentlest zephyrs tho quarrelling with the stony obstacles , to the tumbling waters of neptune s blue domain , mid mossy banks , played on by the glorious sunlight or neath the shadows cast o er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest . what about that , simon ? he asked over the fringe of his newspaper “再則,請注意那打著漩渦蜿蜒曲折地嘩嘩淌去的淚淚溪流與攔住去路的巖石搏斗,在習習西風輕拂下,沖向海神所支配的波濤洶涌的蔚藍領國;沿途,水面上蕩漾著燦爛的陽光,兩邊的堤岸爬滿青苔,森林中的巨樹那架成拱形的繁葉48 ,將蔭影投射于溪流那憂郁多思的胸脯上。

Time , which encrusts all physical substances with its mossy mantle , as it invests all things of the mind with forgetfulness , seemed to have respected these signs , which apparently had been made with some degree of regularity , and probably with a definite purpose “時間”給一切有形的物體披上了一件外衣,那件外衣就是苔蘚,還有一件外衣是把一切無形的事物包裹在了里面,而那件外衣就叫“健忘” ,可是它對于這些記號卻似乎還相當尊重。

But the number of species actually distributed in the mountain is higher . 5 vegetation types were found in the mountain , they are : mountane rain forest , monsoon evergreen broad - leaved forest , mountane mossy evergreen broad - leaved forest , mountane top mossy thicket and secondary vegetation 在西隆山分布的植被類型有5種:山地雨林、季風常綠闊葉林、山地苔蘚常綠闊葉林、山頂苔蘚矮林和次生植被。

Little dell of solitude , and love , and anguish , and the mossy tree - trunk , where , sitting hand in hand , they had mingled their sad and passionate talk with the melancholy murmur of the brook 她回憶起那陰暗的樹林,那孤寂的山谷,那愛情,那極度的悲痛,那長滿青苔的樹干,他們攜手并坐,將他們哀傷而熱情的談活交溶在小溪的憂郁的低語之中。

I remember something , too , of the green grave - mounds ; and i have not forgotten , either , two figures of strangers straying amongst the low hillocks and reading the mementoes graven on the few mossy head - stones 我還隱約記得綠色的墳墩也并沒有忘記兩個陌生的人影,在低矮的小丘之間徘徊,邊讀著刻在幾塊長滿青苔的墓石上的銘文。

By this time pearl had reached the margin of the brook , and stood on the farther side , gazing silently at hester and the clergyman , who still sat together on the mossy tree - trunk , waiting to receive her 這時,珠兒已經來到小溪對岸,站在那兒不出聲地瞅著海絲特和牧師,他倆依舊并肩坐在長滿青苔的樹干上,等著見她。

Habitat and ecology : in forests , on mossy rocks and stony ground with rich humus soil ; alt . 300 m . flowering : oct . to jan . of the following year 生境與生態:生于低海拔700米以下的林下腐殖質豐富的多石之地或溪旁生苔蘚的巖石上。花期: 10月至翌年1月。

Linton is just six months younger than i am , she chattered , as we strolled leisurely over the swells and hollows of mossy turf , under shadow of the trees “林敦比我才小六個月, ”她喋喋不休地說著,這時候我們在樹蔭下悠閑地踱過那凹凸不平的草地。

And brown ants in the little wells beneath them , and mossy scabs of the worm fence , and heap d stones , and elder , and mullein and poke - weed 從惠特曼的傳記與其作品中得知,他已經獲致某種程度的開悟,并強而有力的表達出來,以供世人欣賞。

He entered a dense wood , picked his pathless way to the centre of it , and sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak 他走進一片茂密的森林,披荊斬棘,闖出一條路,來到林中深處,在一棵枝葉茂盛的橡樹下,一屁股坐到青苔地上。

I left him yonder in the forest , withdrawn into a secret dell , by a mossy tree - trunk , and near a melancholy brook 我把他留在那邊那座林子里了,他退縮到一個秘密的山谷里,離一條憂郁的小溪不遠,就在一棵長滿青苔的樹干旁邊!

Morphological changes of hippocampal formation and mossy fiber sprouting in immature epileptic rats induced by lithium - pilocarpine : an experimental study 戊四氮點燃過程中大鼠海馬苔蘚纖維發芽變化的研究

They sat down again , side by side , and hand clasped in hand , on the mossy trunk of the fallen tree . life had never brought them a 他倆重新坐下肩并著肩,手握著手,就這樣坐在長滿青苔的倒下的樹干上。

A lover finds his mistress asleep on a mossy bank ; he wishes to catch a glimpse of her fair face without waking her 一位情人發現他的愛人睡在長滿青苔的河岸上,他希望看一眼她漂亮的面孔而不驚醒她。

Effect of valeriana officinalis var . latifolia extract on mossy fiber sprouting in hippocampus in epileptic rats induced by pentyleneterazole 寬葉纈草提取物對戊四氮致癲大鼠海馬苔蘚纖維發芽的影響

An experimental study on morphological changes of hippocampal formation and mossy fiber sprouting in immature epileptic rats induced by lithium - pilocarpine 寬葉纈草治療局灶性腦缺血的實驗研究