
moss MOSS = manned orbital space ...

moss agate

2001 gallery f15 , moss , norway 2001年挪威摩斯市f15美術館

A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生苔,勤奮有收獲。

A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生苔;轉業不聚財。

. . and that that spy is annie lee moss . .就是安妮李摩斯

“ early bird gathers no moss , rolling stone catches the worm , right “滾石不生苔,早起的鳥有蟲吃。 ”

Message from the engineering supervisor 英國的moss培訓課程

Quarry , moss , do you read me 科瑞爾,莫斯,收到信息了嗎?

My company is cang shan county garlic , garlic moss base company 我公司是蒼山大蒜、蒜苔基地公司。

Lcq8 : importation of black moss 立法會八題:食用發菜進口情況

Moss agate has a plant - like pattern 苔蘚瑪瑙又稱樹枝狀瑪瑙

Nelson moss : i don ' t have problems 尼爾森?莫斯:我沒有問題。

Although mrs . moss offered to testify , 雖然摩斯女士愿意作證

A rolling stone gathers no moss 直譯:滾動的石頭不會長苔蘚。

That she also knew mrs . moss as a member .她也知道摩斯小姐是

Although mrs . moss offered to testify , . 雖然摩斯女士愿意作證.

Is it defending annie lee moss as not being a communist 是為安妮李摩斯并非共產分子而辯護?

C . w . moss : i spent a year in reformatory 莫斯:我在勞改所呆了一年。

. . that she also knew mrs . moss as a member . . .她也知道摩斯小姐是.

Advances in ecological functions of moss 苔蘚植物生態功能的研究進展