
mosquito n.(pl. mosquitoes, mosquitos...

mosquito boat

Mosquitoes like to suck the blood of people and animals 蚊子喜好吸人和動物的血。

Mosquito surveillance at port areas extended 食環署加強口岸地區登革熱病媒監察

Je prevention priority in anti - mosquito campaign 滅蚊運動重點宣傳預防日本腦炎

Prevention of mosquito - borne diseases chinese version only 預防蚊蟲傳播的疾病

Domestic sanitary insecticide mosquito coil incense 家用衛生殺蟲用品盤式蚊香

The swamp swarms with mosquitoes and other insects 沼澤中云集著蚊子和其他小蟲。

Window screens are effective in keeping out mosquitoes 紗窗能有效地擋住蚊子。

Mosquito control operation at building sites starts 針對建筑地盤特別控蚊行動展開

We have screened our window to keep out mosquitoes 我們窗子裝上紗窗以避蚊子。

Protect yourself from mosquito bites while outdoors 進行戶外活動時要預防蚊子叮咬

The investigation of mosquitoes at jinjiang shenhu port 晉江深滬口岸蚊類調查報告

The biscuit compels the mosquitoes quit the equipment 這種餅干迫使蚊子離開設備

Prompt actions taken to guard against mosquito breeding 迅速采取行動以防范蚊患

Grave - sweepers urged to prevent mosquito breeding 掃墓人士須保持環境清潔防止蚊患

Small frog : those mosquitoes really look tasty 小青蛙:這些蚊子看起來很好吃!

Just one mosquito can create a heck of a fuss 僅僅一只文字就能制造一大堆麻煩。

C enhanced rodent and mosquito control works ; and C加強防治鼠患和蚊患工作以及

Anti - mosquito measures stepped up at lcsd venues 政府再吁市民加強措施預防登革熱

12 why didn ' t noah swat those two mosquitoes 為什么諾亞沒有把那兩只蚊子打死?