
mosque n.伊斯蘭教寺院,清真寺。


El - gawhara el - lala mosque 高哈拉拉拉清真寺

Mosque of as - salih tala ' i 薩利赫塔萊清真寺

A preliminary study on extant inscriptions in qingjiang mosque of the qing dynasty 清江清真寺現存清代碑刻的初步研究

Mosque of sayyida zeinab 薩伊達宰那布清真寺

Mosque of qijmas al - ishaqi 齊馬斯伊沙齊清真寺

Animal medical centre , g / f , 28 mosque street , mid levels , hong kong 98動物醫療中心,香港半山摩羅廟街28號地下。

Current research situation of mosque social functions studies in china and abroad 國內外清真寺社會功能研究現狀

Mosque of al - ashraf barsbey 阿什拉夫巴斯貝清真寺

They went to the mosque to pray 他們去清真寺祈禱。

Mosque of sayyidna al - hussein 薩希德納胡賽因清真寺

Mosque - madrassa of al - ghouri 高里清真寺以及伊斯蘭學校

They went to the mosque to pray 他們去清真寺做禱告。

Kowloon mosque and islamic centre 九清真寺暨伊斯蘭中心

Statisticians cannot even agree on the definition of a mosque 統計人員甚至不能就清真寺的定義達成共識。

3 hindu temples and muslim mosques stand alongside chinese temples 華人廟宇的旁邊矗立著興都廟和回教堂

Pakistani president to address nation in wake of mosque siege 巴基斯坦總統將針對清真寺圍攻對全國講話

Mosque of suleyman aga el - silahdar 蘇萊曼阿加赫拉達清真寺

To smoke in a church or mosque would be a profane act 在教堂或清真寺內吸煙將是一種褻瀆神靈的行為。

Two breakthroughs of mosque education in hezhou in 20th century 二十世紀河州經堂教育的兩次重大突破