
mosley n.莫斯利〔姓氏〕。


The sisters were not fond of the island , finding it , in nancy ' s words , intensely uncomfortable with … . . “ a perpetual howling wind , shrieking gulls , driving rain , water , water wherever you look , streaming mountains with waterfalls every few yards … no heather , black rocks shiny like coal with wet , and a little colourless grass clinging to them . “ ( nm to diana mosley , 28 / 9 / 46 ) 姐妹們卻不喜歡這個孤島,用南希的話來說,極不適應“終年的呼嘯的狂風、尖叫的海鷗、瓢潑的大雨、舉目四望無處不在的水、峰回路轉的奔騰的瀑布… …沒有石楠花、黑色的巖石像弄濕的黑煤一樣,僅有一點無色的苔蘚趴在上面” 。

A meeting between the team principals at last weekend ' s hungarian grand prix brought no consensus and with six teams ? two short of the number needed for approval ? already having expressed their support for mosley ' s plans , there is unlikely to be unanimous support for any alternative proposals 匈牙利大獎賽期間車隊頭目們開了個會,但是沒有達成共識,六支車隊里已經有兩車車隊因為支持自己的人數太少而宣布支持默斯利的議案,而這里似乎很難建立起出默斯利議案之外的能讓大家達成共識的提議了。

With names like floyd mayweather , shane mosley , miguel cotto , kermit cintron , and margarito currently highlighting its list of top fighters , there is already an abundance of top - notch fights to be made 隨著弗洛伊德?梅威瑟,沙恩?莫斯利,米格爾?庫托,凱米特?辛特龍和馬爾加里的名字,現高居頂級拳手排名一樣,也會有大量的頂尖高手要脫穎而出。

With names like floyd mayweather , shane mosley , miguel cotto , kermit cintron , and margarito currently highlighting its list of top fighters , there is already an abundance of top - notch fights to be made 像梅威瑟,莫斯利,庫托,辛特龍,馬加里托都是這個級別最耀眼的明星,已經可以產生出大量的耀眼的比賽。

Max mosley : the fia wants the manufacturers to stop developing the existing engines and to use engines at the level reached by 1 june 2006 , at least until the 2011 season 馬克斯-莫斯利:國際汽聯想要讓汽車制造商停止進行現有引擎的研發,讓他們使用在2006年6月1日時水平所達到的引擎,至少要到2011賽季。

Schumacher , who retired from formula 1 at the end of last season after a record - breaking career , was presented with his award by fia president max mosley and f1 commercial supremo bernie ecclestone 國際汽聯主席莫斯利和f1掌門人伯尼?埃克萊斯通共同向已退役的舒馬赫頒發了這一榮譽。

Mosley also addressed the question of whether or not mclaren have the right to appeal the decision , given that they did not protest the results of the brazilian grand prix 莫斯利同時也談到邁克拉倫車隊是否有權利對決定提出上訴的質疑,他表示他們并不反對巴西站的結果。

Jack mosley bruce willis is assigned to escort petty criminal eddie bunker mos def from the third precinct to the courthouse at 100 centre st , 16 高中生wendy瑪莉伊莉莎白云絲蒂德- mary elizabeth winstead飾正享受她的青春年華,為慶祝畢業與友人到游樂場玩個痛快。

Agent mosley : ( on radio ) i need someone who ' s with agent scully to put her on a radio . someone . . . with agent scully 默斯利探員: (在對講機中)我需要和史高麗探員在一起的人讓她在對講機中說話。有人和史高麗探員在一起嗎。

But speaking about the upcoming appeal today , fia president max mosley downplayed the potential threat to raikkonen ' s title 但是當談及即將到來的上訴,國際汽聯主席莫斯利認為這不會威脅到萊庫寧總冠軍的頭銜。

Agent mosley : right . they ' re here 默斯利探員:好,他們在這里。

Agent mosley listens , then hands the phone to doggett (默斯利探員聽著,之后把電話交給道根。 )

Agent mosley , a young efficient agent , answers it 默斯利探員,一個年輕能干的探員,接電話。 )

Agent mosley snaps into action and pulls out his radio (默斯利探員突然行動拿出對講機。 )

Agent mosley : ( on radio ) copy , check it again 默斯利探員: (在對講機中)收到,再查一次。