
moslem n.(pl. Moslems, 〔集合詞〕Moslem)...


I will go to hell anyhow . “ so gandhi said to him , “ i know a way out of hell . if you raise an orphan to become a moslem , you can make up for that . maybe you will still go to hell , but at least your conscience will be clear . you ll know that you have done your best to make up for the wrong you have done and also made someone else happy 這種情況下,你不但要停止外遇,還要多愛你的先生、多照顧他,讓他好過一些,讓你的家庭關系更穩固,使你自己、你的先生和孩子更快樂,這才是比較肯定的懺悔方式不但不再犯錯,還必須做對的事。

With the spirit of innovation and practice , hangzhou cuiqinzhai moslem food co . , ltd . will continue to carry out traditional craft , advocate national brand , produce safe , healthy and high quality products , to do our contribution to chinese baking food industry and hangzhou s economic development 憶江南最憶是杭州,杭州翠沁齋以開拓創新、務實的發展精神,繼百年傳統工藝,樹老字號民族品牌,創健康安全高品質產品,為中國烘焙食品工業的發展,為杭州經濟的繁榮添磚加瓦。

At the completion of the water supply system , the filipino newspapers had also reported that the moslems and christians on this island had agreed to a cease - fire under military mediation . this was a good sign . it seemed to say that god s divine water had extinguished the raging flames of war and washed away the desires and persistent longing for power , fame and fortune that had long shrouded the souls of humankind 馬里南的供水系統完成了,同時菲國的報紙也報導著該島的伊斯蘭教與天主教在政府軍的協調下,兩教答應停戰了,這真是個好預兆,似乎象徵著上帝加被的水澆熄了人間戰火,同時也洗滌了我們久被塵世間的欲望名利與權力所蒙蔽的心靈啊!

With the spirit of innovation and practice , hangzhou cuiqinzhai moslem food co . , ltd . will continue to carry out traditional craft , advocate national brand , produce safe , healthy and high quality products , to do our contribution to chinese baking food industry and hangzhou s economic development 憶江南最憶是杭州,杭州翠沁齋以開拓創新務實的發展精神,繼百年傳統工藝,樹老字號民族品牌,創健康安全高品質產品,為中國烘焙食品工業的發展,為杭州經濟的繁榮添磚加瓦。

In emperor guangxu s reign during the qing dynasty , a moslem man from beijing with his wife opened a food workshop in hagnzhou , named cuiqinzhai and dealing with moslem snack . while he made the moslem food , the whole street could smell the sweet and people who tasted the food made by him all gave a good appraisal . so cuiqinzhai snack became famous all over hangzhou city 杭州翠沁齋清真食品有限公司,已有百年的歷史,相傳在清光緒年間,一位來自京城的回民,帶著他的妻子在杭州城內開了一個名叫“翠沁齋”的茶糖作坊,專營清真京式茶食糕點。每到開爐時,常常香滿全街,而品嘗過這里糕點的人,都感到色香味俱全。

T a spiritual symposium held by moslem sponsors in indonesia in december 1996 , fellow initiates distributed vast numbers of sample booklets to the guests as well as the working staff and delegates of the sponsoring organization . those who received the sample booklets could barely conceal the excitement they felt , and the good news spread quickly among them 一九九六年十二月在印尼由回教人士主辦的靈修座談會上,我們發了很多樣書給所有與會的貴賓,其中包括了好幾位大會的理事和工作人員,當他們拿到師父的樣書時,都掩不住興奮的心互相傳達這個喜訊。

In 1958 , cuiqinzhai joining in other firms established hangzhou guangming food factory . and in august of that year , it changed name to be hangzhou cuiqinzhai moslem food factory . till the reform and opening , the factory was restructured itself to be hangzhou cuiqinzhai moslem food co . , ltd . and refreshed a new life 一九五八年公私合營創立了杭州光明食品廠,直至一九八五年八月經杭州市政府批準恢復,更名為杭州翠沁齋清真食品廠,改革開放進行了機制轉換,批準為:杭州翠沁齋清真食品有限公司。

Hangzhou cuiqinzhai moslem food co . , ltd . is member of china moslem food association , standing director unit of china baking candy production industry association , director of china cake profession committee , director unit of hangzhou food association , one of top 100 china famous baking food factories 杭州翠沁齋清真食品有限公司,系中國清真食品協會成員企業,中國焙烤糖制品工業協會常務理事單位,全國糕點專業委員會理事,杭州市食品協會理事單位,為中國焙烤食品百家名廠。

On the basis of abundant materials , the article expounds systematically the “ zero “ space , the arabian numbers , the use of arc trigonometry and the bringing in of moslem mathematics books and discusses the influences of moslem mathematics brought in yuan dynasty of chinese mathematics 摘要本文通過翔實的資料,就元代“ 0 ”空位、阿拉伯數碼、弧三角學的運用及回回數學著作的引入進行了系統的闡述,并以此探究了元代傳入的回回數學知識對中國數學所產生的影響。

He revealed how he had struggled in the mess he had created in his life and how things have begun to straighten out by themselves . a moslem student at uci , noting that she felt at home with the quan yin family , acknowledged that master s teachings were consistent with those of the prophet mohammed 一位現仍就讀加州大學爾凡分校的回教新同修,則告訴師父及大家:她感覺和這個團體很親,就像一家人般,并說師父的教理和先知穆罕默德的教理完全符合。

Hangzhou cuiqinzhai moslem food co . , ltd . has its history of nearly one hundred years . in emperor guangxu s reign during the qing dynasty , a moslem man from beijing with his wife opened a food workshop in hagnzhou , named cuiqinzhai and dealing with moslem snack 杭州翠沁齋清真食品有限公司,已有百余年歷史的中華老字號企業,相傳在清光緒年間,一位來自京城的回民,帶著他的妻子在杭州城內開了一個名叫“翠沁齋”的茶糖作坊,專營清真京式茶食糕點。

R beckstein pointed out that , in the light of the recent moslem cartoon riots , all iran fans would be closely scrutinised . “ when iranians arrive in germany we will take a very close look to make sure there are no fanatics , “ he said 與此同時,由于近期發生的歐洲媒體刊登有損伊斯蘭先知的漫畫事件,德國組委會擔心屆時來自伊朗的球迷會有一些“狂熱”舉動,為此伊朗球迷也將成為他們安保重點“照顧”對象。

The first four - day retreat in pacet - a very nice area , up in the mountains , cool and far from the world s pollution - attracted fellow practitioners from surabaya , jakarta and bali . it so happened that the chinese and moslem new year was celebrated at the same time 來自泗水雅加達及巴里島的同修,首次聚集并于一處風光明媚清涼遠離塵囂的山區貝斯舉行禪四,同時慶祝中國新年及回教新年。

Qianmen jianguo hotel , starting its business in 1956 , is located on the business center of beijing . the hotel neighbors qianmen commercial street in the east , and niujie , or ox street mosque - one moslem bethel in the west 前門建國飯店于1956年開業,地處市中心,東靠商業區前門大街,南瀕天壇公園,西臨伊斯蘭圣地牛街清真寺,北挨馳名中外的琉璃廠文化街。

Without breaching the moslem primary beliefs , the absorption to the buddhist culture was an adaption in chinese traditional culture and it was also an embodiment of introjection between the islam and chinese culture 回族對佛教文化的吸收,是在不違背伊斯蘭教基本信仰的前提下,對中國傳統文化的一種適應,也是伊斯蘭教中國化的一種表現。

Last month bavaria ' s hard - line home minister g nther beckstein pointed out that , in the light of the recent moslem cartoon riots , all iran fans would be closely scrutinised 事件,德國組委會擔心屆時來自伊朗的球迷會有一些“狂熱”舉動,為此伊朗球迷也將成為他們安保重點“照顧”對象。

It is located on the business center of beijing . the hotel neighbors qianmen commercial street in the east , and niujie , or ox street mosque - one moslem bethel in the west 地處市中心,東靠商業區前門大街,南瀕天壇公園,西臨伊斯蘭圣地牛街清真寺,北挨馳名中外的琉璃廠文化街。

However , when i encouraged them to receive initiation , the chairman confided , in embarrassment , that it was very inconvenient to follow a full vegetarian diet in moslem society 然而,當我鼓勵他們印心時,主席面有難色的告訴我,在他們回教的社會中,吃全素是非常不方便的。

This priest then brought out that these moslem extremists that cause many of the world ' s problems are not the only extremists / fundamentalists causing problems 該牧師再度說明,這些回教極端主義者制造了許多的世界問題,然而不僅僅是極端主義者?基本教義派會制造問題。