
mosey vi.〔美俚〕離開,走開;閑蕩,信步。 M- along...


Stephen , still trembling at his soul s cry , heard warm running sunlight and in the air behind him friendly words . - dedalus , comedown , like a good mosey 斯蒂芬依然由于靈魂的呼喚而渾身發顫,聽到了傾瀉而下的溫煦陽光以及背后的空氣中那友善的話語。

“ we can get along with it , too , “ he says ; “ just you slide down cellar and fetch it . and then mosey right down the lightning - rod and come along “有,我們也能對付嘛, ”他說, “你就溜到下邊地窖里去一趟,弄一些來,隨后抱著避雷針下樓,趕上來。

I wanted to watch him mosey 我想看他流連往返。

After a long rest on the bench we moseyed up to the museum 我們在長凳上休息了許久之后便慢步向博物館走去。

- hide ? can ' t i just mosey off ? - no ! don ' t mosey off -藏起來?我們不能立刻消失嗎? -不,別馬上消失

Hide ? can ' t i just mosey off ? - no ! don ' t mosey off 藏起來?我們不能立刻消失嗎? -不,別馬上消失

So i ll mosey along now , and smouch a couple of case - knives . 我這就去,去把兩把刀子偷得來。 ”

And that other old mosey lunatic in those duds 還有另一個披頭散發衣衫檻褸的老瘋子,到處閑蕩。

Why don ' t you two fellas talk , and i ' ll just mosey around 那你倆先談著,我到周圍隨便看看?

No , you can ' t mosey off . they ' ll see you 不,你不能消失他們會看見你的

We don ' t have time to mosey along . we ' re late already 我們沒時間閑逛,我們已經遲了。