
moses n.1.摩西〔姓氏,男子名〕。2.(基督教《圣經》)率領...


Moses , i am walking again . sign me up for this place 天哪我又能走路了幫我跟這里簽約

“ no , “ he said , “ moses was raised in a palace . 他說:不是的,摩西是在皇宮中成長。

[ niv ] god also said to moses , ' i am the lord 神告訴摩西說: “我是耶和華。

But when moses found the children of israel 但是當摩西發現以色列的孩子們

If you had reaiiy beiieved moses , you wouid ' ve beiieved me 你們如果信摩西,也必信我

Virgilian , says pedagogue . sophomore plumps for old man moses 老師說要維吉爾風格的,

How did moses react after the people complaint to him 摩西聽到人民埋怨的反應是什麼

Who are you , moses ? come on , what is this 你是誰?摩西嗎?得了吧,到底是為了什么?

The law of moses had a lot of symbolic meanings 摩西律法有很多象徵的意義。

- a pillar of salt ? - that ' s right . moses said that -腌肉? -對摩西這樣說的

Moses led the children of israel out of the egypt 摩西率領以色列的子民離開了埃及。

Example : in this war , you are our moses 在這次戰爭中,你是我們的最高統帥。

And he did as the lord commanded moses 于是,亞倫照耶和華所吩咐摩西的行了。

Moses is another character who god called a friend 摩西是另一個神稱之為朋友的人。

' cause this is like finding moses ' dvd collection 因為這就像發現了摩西的dvd收藏品

Another example that stephen uses is that of moses 司提反提到的另一個例子是摩西。

So moses conveyed what god had said to the people 于是摩西就轉達上帝的意思。

As i was with moses , so i will be with you 我怎樣與摩西同在,也必照樣與你同在。

Mary , fucking moses , ya ' ll get the fuck outta here Mary ,操把那他嗎的東西拿出去