
morton n.莫頓〔姓氏,男子名〕。


It ' s the next day , and leona is now talking with captain joe morton over breakfast in his office 次日,利昂娜與喬頓隊長,在他的辦公室里,邊用餐邊談事情

Why do you keep referring to him as “ young dr . morton “ mother ? he ' s forty if he ' s a day 為什么你老是稱他為“年輕的莫頓醫生”呢?媽媽?他足有40歲了。

I first got an idea of its calibre when i heard him preach in his own church at morton 我聽了他在莫爾頓自己的教堂講道后,對他的能力有了初步的了解。

I shall not stay long at morton , now that my father is dead , and that i am my own master 我父親已去世,我自己也就獨立了,所以我不會在莫爾頓久待。

Blum , john morton . v was for victory : politics and american culture during world war ii . 1976 《 v代表勝利:二次大戰時政治和美國文化》 1976

I now closed morton school , taking care that the parting should not be barren on my side 于是我關閉了莫爾頓學校,并注意自己不空著手告別。

St . john made you schoolmistress of morton before he knew you were his cousin 約翰還不知道你是他表妹,就讓你做莫爾頓學校的教師? ”

Sarah morton : awards are like hemorrhoids . sooner or later every asshole gets one 莎拉?默頓:獲獎就像是痔瘡。遲早每個人都會得。

Find out more about using ext3 with 2 . 4 kernels at andrew morton s ext3 for 2 . 4 page 頁面查找更多有關在2 . 4內核使用ext3的信息。

Gone over to morton for a walk ; but they would be back in half an hour to tea “散步上莫爾頓去了,半小時內會回來吃茶點。 ”

No longer content to poke about in that little town , morton went up to new york 莫頓不再滿足于呆在那個小鎮上,到紐約去了。

Under which condition do the organization fit the robert morton anti - function theory 又在什么情況下表現為科層制的反功能

Male artist morton , joe 男藝人祖摩頓

Henry morton stanley 亨利莫頓史丹利

Ever had morton before 你見過莫頓嗎?

Artist name : morton , joe 藝人名稱:祖摩頓

In morton ' s lab . the researcher cuts u small nerve in the foot 在莫頓的實驗室里研究人員只在兔子腳上切下一小段神經。

Good evening , miss morton 晚安,莫頓先生

By brother - initiate john morton , san francisco , ca , usa originally in english 美國加州舊金山約翰摩頓師兄原文為英文