
mortmain n.【法律】永久管業權〔永遠不能變賣公產〕;永遠保有;傳...


See , the pity of it is , mrs . mortmain , i haven ' t designed a building . . 知道嗎,很可惜,默曼夫人我可不能設計一棟讓我

See , the pity of it is , mrs . mortmain , i haven ' t designed a building 知道嗎,很可惜,默曼夫人我可不能設計一棟讓我

I want us to look like a viable family , mortmain , for rose ' s sake 要讓他們知道我們是個富裕的家庭為了羅絲的幸福

Mr . mortmain , how long is it since you actually published anything 默曼先生你有多久沒有出版自己的著作了?

James mortmain has done his work , my dear . the well is dry 詹姆斯?默曼已經完成了他的工作靈感已經枯竭了

Are you james mortmain , the author of jacob wrestling 你就是詹姆斯?默曼《雅各布的抗爭》的作者?

Would you believe it , mrs . mortmain , we came across two mummies . . 你相信嗎,默曼夫人我們從一對

Would you believe it , mrs . mortmain , we came across two mummies 你相信嗎,默曼夫人我們從一對

Something is dampening your fire , mrs . mortmain 能壓下你心中的火焰嗎默曼夫人