
mortise n.1.榫眼,榫孔。2.固定,安定。短語和例子a mor...


Based on extensive investigation of construction technique history of chinese ancient buildings , the structure method , structure developing history and seismic behavior of chinese ancient timber structure buildings are analyzed in several respects of the structural system and form . through a series of experiments on constituent parts of chinese ancient timber building structure , including the tests on the corbels and brackets called dougong subjected to low cyclic reversed loadings , the tests on the wooden frame using the tenon - mortise joints as connections of column and beam subjected to low cyclic reversed loadings , the tests on vibration isolation effect of friction and slippage between column footing and their socle base , and a series of shaking table tests on a chinese ancient timber structure palace building mode under artificial earthquake at serving conditions , destroyed conditions and reinforced conditions , many valuable results of structures such as moment - curvature hysteretic loops of dougong structure and tenon - mortise joints under low cyckc reversed loadings , the static function , the seismic performance , energy dissipation , vibration reduction , energy - loss mechanism , nechanicalmode and failure mode were studied . aplenty of valuable parameters of the structure system were obtained , such as the natural period of structure , vibration modes , damping ratio , factor of vibration isolation , oscillate amplitude of ineitial accebration , velocity and displacement , magnitude of slippage , and the mechanism of structure failure and collapse etc . based on these research , the complete analysis of ancient timber structure under earthquake were carried out in which including mechanism analysis method , calculating mode , strength analysis of members and joints , strengthening methods for serving damaged ancient timber structure buildings were also taken into account 依照宋代《營造法式》建造了抬梁式殿堂木結構構件及結構模型,對中國古代木結構中的典型構造如:柱腳在礎石頂面平擱簡支、柱架榫卯連接、柱高不越間之廣、側腳、生起、斗拱等的構造機理及結構功能進行了量化分析和實驗研究: (一)通過木柱石礎靜摩擦試驗,測定了柱腳與石礎古鏡面間的摩擦系數及摩擦力隨上部結構荷載變化的規律; (二)通過單柱承載力試驗,測定了古建筑中木柱的受力變形特征、破壞模式、及模型材料的變形模量、極限承載力、極限變形等參量; (三)通過柱架低周反復荷載試驗,測定了柱架的抗側移剛度、柱架恢復力特性及滯回曲線、榫卯張角剛度及其變化規律、柱架及榫卯的極限承載力和極限變形、及榫卯減振參數; (四)通過斗?低周反復荷載試驗和受壓試驗,測定了古建筑木構件與木構件間摩擦系數,斗?抗側移剛度,斗?恢復力特性及滯回曲線,斗?抗壓極限承載力及受力變形規律; (五)通過抬梁式殿堂間架模型振動臺試驗,測定了殿堂木構架結構自振周期,地震反應振形、阻尼特性及阻尼比;按結構分層特點對柱腳、柱頭和斗?層上的屋蓋的地震反應采用多點同步測量,對柱根滑移、榫卯變形、斗?的變形、復位、耗能減振參數等進行了定量分析。

In order to obtain actual deformation amount , when the deformation amounts of tenon and mortise place of floorboards are changed , it mainly gather low frequency signal amounts after the fore - process device on the electricity eddy senses is deciphered , so as to offer references for measuring the deformation amount parameter of other kinds of floorboards 該法主要通過采集電渦流傳感器中前置器解調后的地板榫接部位變形時的低頻信號值獲得其實際變形量,并為檢測其它種類地板的變形量參數提供參考。

A sakyamuni tower is investigated on the dynamic characteristics as a typical example of the ancient timber architecture by means of fem numerical analysis in this thesis . 1 ) the mortise and tenon joint of the structure is replaced by a special beam - element group in the finite element model 本文以山西北部釋迦塔為研究對象,用有限元數值計算方法,進行了以下幾個方面的工作: 1 、引入梁單元組模擬斗拱連接,從而建立了具有木塔較細致結構的有限元計算模型。

Many failures between tenon and mortise in aero - engine are founded under fretting circumstance , sometimes it is a main cause of failure and it is important to research the fretting fatigue life of tenon / morties 航空發動機中,有很多故障是由于榫聯接構件在微動環境下失效引起的,進而造成了葉片和盤的損傷和破壞,因此研究榫聯接結構的微動疲勞有重要的工程應用價值。

From the stalk it feels like crescent block and wide stalk jian without curved mortise . the head which was forged with the whole was cut . this kind of jian mostly has strong blade 觀莖后感覺應是失了上彎型鉚固式類似月牙劍擋的寬莖劍,原本一體鍛造的劍首被截去,這類劍刃質普遍都相當剛強。

Introduced a measure method to crosswise deformation amount of tenon and mortise place in the high - quality laminate flooring products by means of dynamic signal and analysis apparatus 摘要介紹一種用動態信號分析儀測定強化木地板榫接部位橫向變形量大小的方法。

Woodworking machines . acceptance conditions and nomenclature for single tool slot mortising machines . testing of accuracy 木材加工機械.單刀具開槽制榫機的驗收條件和術語.精確度試驗

The results showed that the resonant frequency decreased slightly with increased number of mortise holes 此一結果將有助于對老舊建材彈性留存率之評估,有助于此等建材之有效再利用。

Railway rolling stock . mortise locks for inner hinged doors . interchangeability specifications and functionnal specifications 鐵路車輛.內鉸鏈式門的插鎖.互換性規格和功能規格

Woodworking machines . acceptance conditions and nomenclature for single chain mortising machines . testing of accuracy 木材加工機械.單鏈式制榫機的驗收條件和術語.精確度試驗

In addition , mortise holes were made on the full - size timber , and resonant frequencies measured sequently 結果顯示,共振頻率隨榫槽數之增加僅略為減少。

Tenon and mortise 榫和榫眼

Woodworking machines . mortising machines with oscillating tool action . nomenclature 木材加工機械.利用擺動工具開榫槽的機械.專用術語

Woodworking machines - nomenclature for mortising machines with oscillating tool action 木工機械.第34部分:帶擺動式刀具的鑿榫機命名

Split mortise lock 豪華插芯鎖

Handle lock mortise lock 大拉手鎖

Mortise locks and latches 插鎖和插銷

Socket lock mortise chisel 圓曲巧頭鑿

Test methods for performance and accuracy of hollow chisel mortising machines 凹形鑿制榫機的性能和精度的試驗方法