
mortimer n.莫蒂默〔男子名〕。


Mr . justice barry mortimer , judge of the hong kong court of final appeal ; mr . joseph yam , deputy chairman of the hkmc ; mrs . pamela chan , chief executive of the consumer council ; mr . kim salkeld , land registrar ; mr . anson kan , vice president of the law society of hong kong ; mr . ambrose ho , vice chairman of hong kong bar association and ms . susie cheung , general counsel and company secretary of the hkmc 主講者包括香港終審法院馬天敏法官按揭證券公司副主席任志剛先生消費者委員會總干事陳黃穗女士土地注冊處處長蘇啟先生香港律師會副會長簡錦材先生香港大律師公會副主席何沛謙資深大律師及按揭證券公司首席法律顧問及公司秘書張秀芬律師。

Mortimer mishkin of the national institute of mental health has proposed different neural circuits for memory , including a higher - level corticolimbic circuit for what is generally referred to as semantic or cognitive memory , and a lower - level corticostriatal circuit for the more primitive habit memory that is most often referred to as procedural memory 美國國家精神衛生研究院的密許金,提出記憶具有不同神經通路的說法,包括較高層次的皮質邊緣通路,負責一般稱為語意或認知方面的記憶,以及較低層次的皮質紋狀體通路,負責比較原始、習慣性的記憶,也稱為程序記憶。

“ why , what bloodshot , draggled , dishevelled spectacle , is this ? “ cried mortimer . “ are my feathers so very much rumpled ? “ said eugene , coolly going up to the looking - glass 莫蒂梅驚叫道: “你怎么樣,雙眼充血,衣服散亂,披頭散發! ”尤金說: “難道我真是那么亂蓬蓬的嗎? ”她邊說邊冷靜地走向鏡子旁邊。

Perhaps [ an english pub is ] a place of rural jollity with log fires crackling and grinning farm lads slurping pints and squaring up to the dart board ( john mortimer 也許是鄉間歡樂的地方? ?木柴燃燒在發出爆裂聲,咧嘴笑著的、咕嘟咕嘟地喝著一品脫一品脫酒的農場工們正圍在飛標靶旁邊(約翰?莫蒂默) 。

“ we are going give [ new publisher mortimer ] zuckerman the biggest black eye any publisher has ever had on his first day , “ said columnist juan gonzalez , who organized the protest 發起抗議的專欄作家岡薩雷斯說, “我們要給朱克曼一次任何社長第一天上任從未受過羞辱。 ”

Young hopeful will be christened mortimer edward after the influential third cousin of mr purefoy in the treasury remembrancer s office , dublin castle 這個前途無量的嬰兒,將以普里福伊先生那個在都柏林堡財務廳工作的有聲望的遠房堂弟莫蒂默愛德華而命名。

Ashley williams , a director of angela mortimer , warned : “ business leaders are frequently unaware of the true costs involved in recruiting new people 公司的一位主管艾什莉威廉姆斯發出警告: “企業的領導常常意識不到招聘新員工所要花費的實際成本。 ”

Mr . justice barry mortimer commented , “ the model documents under phase i of the project have been well received and widely welcomed 馬天敏法官說:按揭文件標準化計劃第一階段完成的標準文件廣受歡迎。

In the words of the archaeologist mortimer wheeler , the indo - aryan war god indra “ stands accused “ of the destruction 考古學家莫蒂默惠勒聲稱,印度?雅利安的戰神因陀羅被“指控”為破壞。

The average cost of filling a job vacancy is 10 , 000 , according to recruitment consultancy angela mortimer 據angela mortimer招聘咨詢公司介紹,填補一個職位空缺的平均成本為1萬英鎊。

Mr mortimer reckons 茂泰莫先生說

Battle of mortimer ' s cross 莫提梅路口戰役

Give it to mortimer and falcone 交給莫蒂默和法爾肯去做吧

She ' s ok . sweetheart ? - nurse , get dr . mortimer right away 她沒事,親愛的? -護士,快叫莫蒂默醫生

- she ' s ok . sweetheart ? - nurse , get dr . mortimer right away -她沒事,親愛的? -護士,快叫莫蒂默醫生

Ollie she ' s resting . who ' s dr . mortimer 她睡著了,莫蒂默醫生是誰

Ollie ) she ' s resting . who ' s dr . mortimer 她睡著了,莫蒂默醫生是誰

( ollie ) she ' s resting . who ' s dr . mortimer 她睡著了,莫蒂默醫生是誰