
mortify vt.,vi.1.抑制(情欲等)。2.使悔恨,使感恥辱;...


When she came to that part of the letter in which her family were mentioned , in terms of such mortifying yet merited reproach , her sense of shame was severe 當她讀到他提起她家里人的那一段時,其中措辭固然傷人感情,然而那一番責難卻也入情入理,于是她越發覺得慚愧。

Of course , benevolence is not your strong point . when i am no longer capable of loving and admiring people and things ( not very many ) , i ' ll feel dead , mortified 當然、寬宏氣度并不是你的優點。假如我不再能夠欣賞崇拜人跟事情(雖然不多) ,我會深覺慚愧難受。

The change that took place in natasha at first surprised princess marya ; but when she understood what it meant , that change mortified her 在娜塔莎身上所發生的變化最初使瑪麗亞公爵小姐感到吃驚但當她明白了這種變化的意義時,這一變化使她感到痛心。

But how could she dare to awaken him , and let him know what he had been doing , when it would mortify him to discover his folly in respect of her 但是她怎敢把他叫醒呢,要是讓他知道了他作過的事,讓他知道了他對她的一番癡情,他不是要追悔莫及嗎?

Vanity , it may be , chose to mortify itself , by putting on , for ceremonials of pomp and state , the garments that had been wrought by her sinful hands 一些人可能是為了抑制自己的虛榮心,才在一些堂皇莊重的場合專門穿戴由她那雙有罪的手縫制的服裝。

I was knocked down , was the blunt explanation , jerked out of me by another pang of mortified pride ; but that did not make me ill , “我是被人給打倒的, ”我脫口而出。由于自尊心再次受到傷害,引起了一陣痛楚,我冒昧地作了這樣的辯解。

The boy felt a little foolish , and he said : “ aunt polly , it seemed mortified , and it hurt so i never minded my tooth at all . 這孩子覺得有點不好意思,于是他說: “波莉姨媽,腳趾頭看著真像是發炎了,痛得我把牙的事忘得一干二凈。 ”

Due to his underestimation , marshal bush met his mortifying defeat in the decisive battle after most of his men were mowed down in an ambush 布希元帥在那關鍵戰役中遭到奇恥大敗,旗下絕大多數士兵在一次敵軍伏擊中被殺。

He did not tell his daughter this ; but natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her fathers , and felt mortified by it 他沒有把這件事告訴他女兒,但是娜塔莎明白父親的恐懼心理和急躁情緒,她覺得自己受到了侮辱。

He reddened - i saw that by the moonlight - dropped his hand from the latch , and skulked off , a picture of mortified vanity 他臉紅了我借著月光看出來的他的手從門上垂下來,躲躲閃閃地溜掉了,一種虛榮心被羞辱了的模樣。

He said finally i couldnt believe it . i was mortified . my son came out of the group and he said the angels are ruining everything 他說:我簡直不敢相信,我覺得很難為情我兒子竟站出來,說:天使們把一切都攪挎了!

It takes courage and stamina , when mortified by humiliating disaster , to seek in the ruins the elements of future conquest 身負失敗的屈辱和不幸,我們需要勇氣和毅力,在失敗的廢墟中尋找未來獲勝的要素。

“ that is very true , “ replied elizabeth , “ and i could easily forgive his pride , if he had not mortified mine . “這倒是真話, ”伊麗莎白回答道, “要是他沒有觸犯我的驕傲,我也很容易原諒他的驕傲。 ”

She was angry , mortified , grief - stricken . her large eyes were full of the anguish of tears , but her lids were not yet wet 她又氣又愧,非常地傷心,大眼睛里已經蘊滿了痛苦的熱淚,不過還沒有掉下來。

For if ye live after the flesh , ye shall die : but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body , ye shall live 13你們若順從肉體活著必要死。若靠著圣靈治死身體的惡行必要活著。

I confess freely to you , i could never look long upon a monkey without very mortifying reflections 我要坦誠的向你表白,我無法長時間注視著猴子,而不作出令人痛心的回想

I confess freely to you , i could never look long upon a monkey without very mortifying reflections 我坦坦白白地跟你說吧,我決不能長久看著猴子而不感到非常屈辱的。

I was mortified , i didnt know what to do , so i did what every good grown up man does , he calls his wife 于是我作了所有成年男人都會做的事,找太太幫忙

She glanced at him . anatole was neither disconcerted nor mortified at what she had said 阿納托利沒有靦腆起來,他對她所說的話不感到難過。