
mortification n.1.【醫學】脫疽,壞疽。2.【宗教】禁欲,節食,苦行...


Elizabeth did all she could to shield him from the frequent notice of either , and was ever anxious to keep him to herself , and to those of her family with whom he might converse without mortification ; and though the uncomfortable feelings arising from all this took from the season of courtship much of its pleasure , it added to the hope of the future ; and she looked forward with delight to the time when they should be removed from society so little pleasing to either , to all the comfort and elegance of their family party at pemberley 伊麗莎白為了不讓達西受到這些人的糾纏,便竭力使他跟她自己談話,跟她家里那些不會使他受罪的人談話。雖然這一番應酬大大減少了戀愛的樂趣,可是卻促進了她對未來生活的期望,她一心盼望趕快離開這些討厭的人物,到彭伯里去,和他一家人在一起,舒舒服服過一輩子風雅有趣的生活。

Both commanding officers were intensely exasperated with one another , and at a time when fighting had been going on a long while on the right flank , and the french had already begun their advance on the left , these two officers were engaged in negotiations , the sole aim of which was the mortification of one another 兩個首長反目,仇恨很深,正當左翼早已發生戰事,法國軍隊開始進攻之際,兩個首長竟忙于旨在互相侮辱的談判。無論是騎兵團,抑或是步兵團,對行將爆發的戰斗都很少作出準備。

First , look for a sense of inevitability about the sin . . . . . . second , scrutinize pleas you make to excuse and tolerate a sin within you . . . . . . third , note the frequency with which sin eludes mortification . . . . . . fourth , determine if you argue against sin only because you fear punishment . . . . . . fifth , watch lest god ‘ s chastening punishment hardens your heart . . . . . . sixth , take heed lest sin turns your heart from god . . . . . . if so , only way to get out is by prayer and fasting (首先,面對罪惡感… …第二,仔細省察自己怎樣為容忍里面的罪所做的辯解… …第三,數一數未能克服的罪之頻率… …第四,看看自己是否僅僅因為怕受懲罰而為罪狡辯… …第五,省察上帝的管教是否反而使你的心剛硬… …第六,小心罪以免你的心從上帝那里偏離了… …如果這樣的話,唯一的出路就是禱告與禁食。 )

Tess , between the amazons and the farmer like a bird caught in a clap - net , returned no answer , continuing to pull the straw . she could read character sufficiently well to know by this time that she had nothing to fear from her employer s gallantry ; it was rather the tyranny induced by his mortification at clare s treatment of him 苔絲處在亞馬遜印第安女人和農場主中間,就像一只掉進羅網的小鳥一樣,沒有做聲,繼續整理她的麥草她已經從農場主身上完全看出來了,她這次用不著害怕她的雇主獻殷勤了他只是上次挨了克萊爾的打,現在要在她的身上尋報復就是了。

The noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering : there is a path our of suffering - it is the ' noble eightfold path ' ( or the ' middle path ' because it avoids the two extremes of sensual pleasure and self - mortification ) , that leads to the cessation of suffering 引領停止苦楚的高貴真理:有一條停止我們的苦楚的道路? ?這就是“八重道路” (八正道,或者是“中間的道路” ,因為它避免了縱欲和禁欲兩個極端) ,這引向了苦楚的停止。

He had suffered so much three years before from the mortification caused him by his wife , that now he secured himself from all possibility of similar mortification ; in the first place , by being his wifes husband only in name , and secondly , by not allowing himself to suspect anything 三年前皮埃爾的妻子使他遭受到凌辱,他覺得十分痛苦,而今他得以使他自己不再遭受類似的屈辱,首先是因為他不是他妻子的丈夫,其次是因為他不容許他自己的狐疑。

I knew by her stony eye - opaque to tenderness , indissoluble to tears - that she was resolved to consider me bad to the last ; because to believe me good would give her no generous pleasure : only a sense of mortification 從她那溫情透不過眼淚冶不了,猶如石頭一般的眼睛里,我知道她決心到死都認定我很壞了,因為相信我是好人并不能給她帶來愉快,而只會是一種屈辱感。

But not long was the interval of tranquillity ; for when supper was over , singing was talked of , and she had the mortification of seeing mary , after very little entreaty , preparing to oblige the company 可惜她耳朵里并沒有清凈多久,因為晚飯一吃完,大家就談起要唱歌。伊麗莎白眼看著曼麗經不起人家稍微慫恿一下就答應了大家的請求,覺得很難受。

Pierre listened to his words , straining every faculty of his mind to grasp the essential points of the coming battle , but to his mortification he felt that his faculties were not equal to the task 皮埃爾聽著貝尼格森的講解,絞盡腦汁想弄清目前戰役的真相,但是他很苦惱,覺得自己腦子不夠用。他一點也沒聽懂。

Retorted the angry boor , retreating , while his face burnt with mingled rage and mortification ; for he was conscious of being insulted , and embarrassed how to resent it 這大怒的鄉下人回罵著,退卻了,當時他的臉由于憤怒和羞恥燒得通紅:因為他意識到被侮辱了,可又窘得不知道該怎么怨恨才是。

Load your conscience with these and repent before god . for unless the conscience is unable to alleviate its guilt of sin , the soul will never seriously attempt mortification (讓你的心裝滿這些罪惡并來到上帝面前悔改。因為只有當良心完全不能減輕罪惡感時,靈魂才會嚴肅地來克制對付罪。 )

Let me thank you again and again , in the name of all my family , for that generous compassion which induced you to take so much trouble , and bear so many mortifications , for the sake of discovering them . 讓我代表我全家人謝謝你,多謝你本著一片同情心,不怕麻煩,受盡委屈,去找他們。 ”

The rapture of lydia on this occasion , her adoration of mrs . forster , the delight of mrs . bennet , and the mortification of kitty , are scarcely to be described 麗迪雅這時候是怎樣歡天喜地,她對于弗斯脫太太是怎樣敬慕,班納特太太又是怎樣高興,吉蒂又是怎樣難受,這些自然不在話下。

When at length the collapse was explained to him a sullen mortification , not usual with durbeyfield , overpowered the influence of the cheering glass 等她終于把這場變故解釋清楚了,德北菲爾德感到這是令人傷心的恥辱,剛才喝酒鼓起的一番高興也就煙消云散了。

It was therefore no small mortification to him to have visited most of the principal cities in italy without having excited the most trifling observation 所以象他這樣的一個人,不論到了哪一個城市,要是得不到任何人的特殊青睞,的確是很令人痛心的事。

Hareton s chest heaved in silence a minute : he laboured under a severe sense of mortification and wrath , which it was no easy task to suppress 哈里頓的胸膛默默地起伏了一下:他是在一種嚴重的屈辱與憤怒的感覺下苦斗,要壓制下去是不容易的事。

On the instant those at the table were keyed up and expectant , the servant was smugly pleased , and he was wallowing in mortification 桌邊的人立即來了勁,等著聽下文,那仆人也得意揚揚,而他卻悔恨得無以復加。

Historically , mortification was one of the most effective ways of overcoming temptations of the flesh 奉行禁欲主義是戰勝肉體誘惑的最有效方式,許多僧人也因此能夠長期戒色。

Again his astonishment was obvious ; and he looked at her with an expression of mingled incredulity and mortification 他又顯出很驚訝的樣子,他帶著痛苦和詫異的神氣望著她。