
mortician n.〔美國〕承辦喪葬的人;殯儀業者(= 〔英國〕 und...


Now , it s up to kimberly , along with the help of flight 180 junkie thomas burke , clear rivers , and the mortician william bloodworth , kimberly must find a way to stop death before it s to late . . 于是,莉連忙阻礙其他車輛進入公路,乘客們雖僥幸逃過大難,但她堅信災禍并未結束,死神不會輕易給蒙騙

Very rare pair of photographs , demonstrating the value of a good mortician . though in this case , he is more of a wax sculptor . photos circa 1920 ' s , rotten collection 大致意思是說非常罕見的一組圖片,但再次證明了一名優秀的殯葬業者的價值。盡管他很象蠟像。

And i got there , no one else had arrived , and i waited and it came time and nobody was there and the mortician said to me , “ well , let s go . 我到那兒的時候,還沒有人在。我等著,時間夠了,沒有人來,那殯儀業者對我說,我們走吧。

Sendin all opposition to see a mortician i m up front , never in the back drop step on stage and get faded just like a flat top 因由對錯但求盡快可放低讓明白徐徐流逝一起燒毀原諒我沒法解釋當初一切過去記憶中永遠讓那是謎

And when we on the mission , call your mortician join the party , i can provide the army ! 我不過偶爾把是非弄錯我想問他:你怕甚么

The bank & the mortician forever , man . 你是財富與死亡永恒的主宰,你這個劊子手。