
mortgagee n.【法律】接受抵押者,受押人;抵押權人。


Article 59 a mortgage of maximum amount as used in this law means that the mortgaged property shall be used to secure the creditor ' s claims which occur successively during a given period of time and to the extent of the total amount of the claims , as agreed upon between a mortgagor and a mortgagee 第五十九條本法所稱最高額抵押,是指抵押人與抵押權人協議,在最高債權額限度內,以抵押物對一定期間內連續發生的債權作擔保。

Lmm is a kind of special mortgage that is used to secure the creditor ' s claims , which occur successively during a given period of time , and to the extent of the anticipated maximum amount that the mortgagee has priority in satisfying his claims 最高額抵押,是指抵押人與抵押權人協議,以抵押物在最高額限度內對一定范圍的不特定債權提供擔保的特殊抵押形式。作為商品經濟產物的最高額抵押制度具有其獨特的價值功能。

Article 16 the mortgage of a civil aircraft shall be established by registering the mortgage of the civil aircraft with the competent civil aviation authority under the state council jointly by the mortgagee and the mortgagor ; no mortgage may act against a third party unless registered 第十六條設定民用航空器抵押權,由抵押權人和抵押人共同向國務院民用航空主管部門辦理抵押權登記;未經登記的,不得對抗第三人。

Although mortgage may use the property mortgaged continuously , mortgagee has dominant right on particularily mortgaged property , and what ' s more , mortgagee has right to get in priority compensation from the money received from selling of the property 因抵押不轉移占有,使抵押人可繼續使用抵押物,抵押權人對特定的抵押財產享有支配權。故抵押權人對抵押物變價后的價值享有優先受償的權利,構成了抵押權的特點。

Part i summary of mortgage a . explains the meaning of mortgage and the right of mortgagee by discussing the creation and development of mortgage system , and the different construction of mortgage among different country ' s mortgage systems 一、抵押權概述。主要就抵押權的概念、特性進行了論述。 (一)通過介紹抵押權制度的產生、發展與完善,各國抵押制度立法對抵押概念的不同理解,說明抵押及抵押權的廣泛內涵。

If the proceeds expected from the transfer of the mortgaged property are evidently less than its # 118alue , the mortgagee may demand that the mortgagor provide an additional guaranty ; if the mortgagor fails to provide to additional guaranty , then he may not transfer the mortgaged property 轉讓抵押物的價款明顯低于其價值的,抵押權人可以要求抵押人提供相應的擔保;抵押人不提供的,不得轉讓抵押物。

If the proceeds expected from the transfer of the mortgaged property are evidently less than its value , the mortgagee may demand that the mortgagor provide an additional guaranty ; if the mortgagor fails to provide to additional guaranty , then he may not transfer the mortgaged property 轉讓抵押物的價款明顯低于其價值的,抵押權人可以要求抵押人提供相應的擔保;抵押人不提供的,不得轉讓抵押物。

Aspect 3 . mortgage term mortgage term is a valid duration in which mortgage can exercise his mortgage based on parties “ arrangements or legal regulations . during the term mortgagee exercises mortgage so that his own creditor ' s right can be accomplished priorly 三、抵押期間才耐甲權期間,又利時耐甲權期限,是才豺民澹當事人的約定或者法律規定漪劃甲牙丸氣能夠行圖耐甲權的有效期間。

Article 40 in concluding a mortgage contract , the mortgagor and the mortgagee may not stipulate that the ownership of the mortgaged property shall be transferred to the creditor in case the mortgagee ' s claim is not satisfied after maturity of the debt 第四十條訂立抵押合同時,抵押權人和抵押人在合同中不得約定在債務履行期屆滿抵押權人未受清償時,抵押物的所有權轉移為債權人所有。

The financial secretary , mr antony leung , today october 30 visited the inland revenue department to update himself on its work and in particular on the progress of its preparation for alleviating the tax burden of eligible mortgagees 財政司司長梁錦松今日十月三十日訪問稅務局,藉此了解其工作的最新情況,特別是落實有關紓緩自置居所人士稅務負擔的措施的籌備工作。

Its members include the major mortgagee banks , mortgage reinsurers , credit rating agencies , the law society of hong kong law society , the hong kong bar association bar association and the law faculty of the university of hong kong 委員會成員包括主要承按銀行按揭再保險公司信貸評級機構香港律師會香港大律師公會及香港大學法律系的代表。統籌委員會成員名單載于

Article 56 the mortgagee shall be entitled to the priority of having his claim satisfied with the proceeds from auction of the land - use right to the allocated state - owned land after payment of the granting fees for the land - use right 第五十六條拍賣劃撥的國有土地使用權所得的價款,在依法繳納相當于應繳納的土地使用權出讓金的款額后,抵押權人有優先受償權。

Where the subject - matter insured is mortgaged , the mortgagor has an insurable interest in the full value thereof , and the mortgagee has an insurable interest in respect of any sum due or to become due under the mortgage 在保險標的被抵押之場合,抵押人對抵押物的全部價值有保險利益,而抵押權人對抵押貸款合同下其所付的或應付的有關金額有保險利益。

The proceeds which the mortgagor obtains from the transfer of the mortgaged property shall first be used to liquidate the claim secured by the mortgage or it shall be deposited with a third party agreed upon by the mortgagor and the mortgagee 抵押人轉讓抵押物所得的價款,應當向抵押權人提前清償所擔保的債權或者向與抵押權人約定的第三人提存。

Martin asked me to go to the house . you see , he , dignam , i mean , didn t serve any notice of the assignment on the company at the time and nominally under the act the mortgagee can t recover on the policy 要知道,他-我指的是迪格納穆,當初根本沒有通知公司辦理讓與手續的事,所以根據法令,受押人就沒有名義去從保險額中領取款項了。 ”

Where the value of the mortgaged property has declined , the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor restore the original value of the mortgaged property or provide security corresponding to the amount of the lost value 抵押物價值減少時,抵押權人有權要求抵押人恢復抵押物的價值,或者提供與減少的價值相當的擔保。

Go and get the “ beijing urban and town real estate mortgage registration application form “ from the real estate registration department , this form should be filled and signed by the mortgagor and mortgagee 到房地產登記部門領取北京市城鎮房地產抵押登記申請書,該申請書須由抵押人抵押權人親自填寫并簽名

If the mortgagor is not responsible for the decline in the value of the mortgaged property , the mortgagee may only demand that the mortgagor provide security to cover the loss resulting from the decline in value 抵押人對抵押物價值減少無過錯的,抵押權人只能在抵押人因損害而得到的賠償范圍內要求提供擔保。

A mortgagee , consignee , or other person having an interest in the subject - matter insured may insure on behalf and for the benefit of other persons interested as well as for his own benefit 抵押權人、收貨人或對保險標的有利益的其他人,除為了自已的利益外,得代表和為其他有利害關系的人的利益進行保險。